Recovery, resurgence
Decline, deterioration
After facing a setback, the company experienced a remarkable rebound in its
Synonym: Apex, pinnacle
Antonym: Nadir, bottom
Sentence: Graduating from
university was the meridian of her academic achievements.
Synonym: Extended, elongated
Antonym: Contracted, shortened
Sentence: The
elastic band stretched as I pulled it from one end to the other.
Synonym: Pay attention to, heedfulness
Antonym: Ignore, disregard
It's important to heed the warnings posted along the hiking trail.
Synonym: Unstable, erratic
Antonym: Stable, steady
Sentence: The volatile stock
market made investors nervous about the future.
Synonym: Speed, swiftness
Antonym: Delay, procrastination
Sentence: In his
haste to catch the bus, he forgot his umbrella at home.
Synonym: Organization, coordination
Antonym: Disorganization, chaos
The logistics of planning a large-scale event can be quite challenging
Post haste:
Immediately, promptly
Delayed, slowly
Realizing he was running late, he rushed to
finish his
work post haste.
Synonym: Deflation, slowdown Antonym: Inflation, price hike Sentence: The
central bank's policies successfully led to disinflation, easing the burden on
Synonym: Signs, omens Antonym: Normality, insignificance Sentence: The dark
clouds gathering on the horizon were seen as portents of an impending storm
Synonym: Established, ingrained Antonym: Flexible, adaptable Sentence: The
company's outdated policies were deeply entrenched and resistant to change.
Synonym: Temptingly, alluringly Antonym: Unappealingly, repulsively Sentence:
The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted tantalizingly through the air, making
everyone hungry
Synonym: Evasive, slippery Antonym: Attainable, accessible Sentence: The
solution to the complex puzzle remained elusive despite hours of effort.
Synonym: Evasive, slippery Antonym: Attainable, accessible Sentence: The
solution to the complex puzzle remained elusive despite hours of effort.
Synonym: Spoilable, decayable Antonym: Nonperishable, durable Sentence: It's
important to refrigerate perishable foods to prevent them from spoiling
Synonym: Rebellion, uprising Antonym: Obedience, compliance Sentence: The
government faced a significant insurgency in the northern region, led by rebel
groups seeking independence.
Synonym: Reduced, decreased Antonym: Increased, enhanced Sentence: The
company's profits diminished significantly after the economic downturn.
Synonym: Traditional, standard Antonym: Unconventional, innovative Sentence:
She preferred unconventional methods of teaching rather than relying on
conventional textbooks.
Synonym: Searching, hunting Antonym: Ignoring, neglecting Sentence: The
detective spent hours combing through the evidence to find clues leading to the
Synonym: Searching, hunting Antonym: Ignoring, neglecting Sentence: The
detective spent hours combing through the evidence to find clues leading to the
Outdated, obsolete
Modern, contemporary
The use of typewriters in the office seemed
in an era of advanced computers and
Synonym: Division, separation Antonym: Unification, integration Sentence: The
partitioning of the country into two separate states led to years of conflict
and unrest
Synonym: Merge, blend Antonym: Differentiate, separate Sentence: The report
mistakenly conflated two unrelated incidents, leading to confusion among
Synonym: Breaking, splitting Antonym: Unity, cohesion Sentence: The fracturing
of the ice sheet resulted in the formation of numerous smaller icebergs.
Synonym: Excludes, sidelines Antonym: Includes, involves Sentence: The
company's hiring policies unintentionally marginalize candidates from
underrepresented backgrounds
Synonym: Pronouncement, declaration Antonym: Inquiry, question Sentence: The
judge's dictum established a precedent for future legal cases regarding
property rights
Synonym: Proclamation, declaration Antonym: Concealment, secrecy Sentence: The
party leader unveiled their manifesto outlining their plans for economic
Inventory, directory
Scattered, disorganized
The bookstore offers a comprehensive
catalogue of
titles spanning various genres.
Synonym: Prosecution, penalization Antonym: Decriminalization, legalization
Sentence: The government proposed legislation aimed at the criminalization of
insider trading.
Synonym: Qualms, hesitations Antonym: Approvals, endorsements Sentence: Despite
her reservations, she decided to book a table at the restaurant for their
anniversary dinner.
Synonym: Disputable, debatable Antonym: Agreeable, uncontroversial Sentence:
The issue of climate change remains highly contentious among policymakers and
Synonym: Significant, meaningful Antonym: Insignificant, trivial Sentence: The
negotiators reached a substantive agreement on trade tariffs after weeks of
Synonym: Duality, division Antonym: Unity, synthesis Sentence: The debate
revealed a sharp dichotomy between the two political ideologies
Synonym: Swagger, rant Antonym: Whisper, murmur Sentence: Despite his
blustering, he failed to intimidate his opponents.
Synonym: Nagging, dwelling Antonym: Forgetting, ignoring Sentence: She kept
harping on about the need for stricter regulations.
Synonym: Influencing, persuading Antonym: Resisting, opposing Sentence: The
charismatic leader had a way of swaying the opinions of the crowd with his
Synonym: Affirmation, declaration Antonym: Doubt, skepticism Sentence: She made
a bold assertion that she would succeed despite the challenges.
Synonym: Retrieve, recover Antonym: Surrender, abandon Sentence: The
environmentalist campaigned to reclaim the polluted river and restore it to its
natural state.
Synonym: Loyalty, fidelity Antonym: Treachery, disloyalty Sentence: The
soldiers pledged their allegiance to their country and swore to defend it at
all costs.
Synonym: Affirmation, declaration Antonym: Doubt, skepticism Sentence: She made
a bold assertion that she would succeed despite the challenges.
Synonym: Indifference, lethargy Antonym: Enthusiasm, passion Sentence: The
voter turnout was low, indicating widespread apathy towards the political
Synonym: Abundant, plentiful Antonym: Scarce, insufficient Sentence: The
harvest was bountiful this year, providing enough food for the entire village.
Synonym: Excess, abundance Antonym: Shortage, deficiency Sentence: The surplus
of goods allowed the company to lower prices and attract more customers.
Synonym: Shortfall, insufficiency Antonym: Surplus, abundance Sentence: The
government's budget deficit has led to cuts in public services and
infrastructure projects.
Synonym: Shortfall, insufficiency Antonym: Surplus, abundance Sentence: The
government's budget deficit has led to cuts in public services and
infrastructure projects.
Synonym: Immoderate, extravagant Antonym: Moderate, restrained Sentence: The
excessive heatwave caused discomfort and health problems for many residents.
Synonym: Based on, founded on Antonym: Unfounded, baseless Sentence: The
success of the project is premised on effective collaboration between all team
Synonym: Heavy, intense Antonym: Light, gentle Sentence: The torrential rain
flooded the streets and caused traffic chaos in the city.
Recurring every four years. Synonym: Four-yearly Antonym: Annual Sentence: The
Olympic Games are a quadrennial event that attracts athletes from all over the
Marquee: The
main or most prominent event. Synonym: Headline Antonym: Minor Sentence: The
marquee event of the evening was the championship boxing match.
A spectacular or lavish event or display. Synonym: Spectacle Antonym:
Simplicity Sentence: The New Year's Eve extravaganza in Times Square draws
millions of spectators every year
Impossible to remove or forget. Synonym: Permanent Antonym: Erasable Sentence:
The experience left an indelible impression on her memory.
Mettle: A
person's ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding
situation in a spirited and resilient way. Synonym: Courage Antonym: Cowardice
Sentence: The firefighters showed their mettle by rescuing the children from
the burning building.
A platform or system that serves as a starting point for further development or
advancement. Synonym: Launchpad Antonym: Hindrance Sentence: The internship
served as a springboard for her successful career in journalism.
Completely full; crowded. Synonym: Packed Antonym: Empty Sentence: The downtown
area was chock-ablock with holiday shoppers.
Meaning: The state of being confined in prison; imprisonment. Synonym:
Imprisonment Antonym: Freedom Sentence: His long incarceration gave him plenty
of time to reflect on his mistakes.
Meaning: Spoiling or impairing the quality or efficiency of something. Synonym:
Corrupting Antonym: Enhancing Sentence: The scandal had a vitiating effect on
the company's reputation
Meaning: Claims or assertions that someone has done something illegal or wrong,
typically made without proof. Synonym: Accusations Antonym: Exonerations
Sentence: The politician denied the allegations of corruption leveled against
Meaning: Opponents or enemies, especially in a political context. Synonym:
Enemies Antonym: Allies Sentence: The two countries have been adversaries for
many decades.
Meaning: The institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in
respect of a criminal charge. Synonym: Litigation Antonym: Defense Sentence:
The prosecution presented its case with compelling evidence.
Meaning: Characterized by unsystematic partial measures taken over a period of
time. Synonym: Fragmented Antonym: Comprehensive Sentence: The project was
completed in a piecemeal fashion, leading to inconsistent results
Meaning: People who give their assent, approval, or consent to something.
Synonym: Endorsers Antonym: Dissenters Sentence: The policy was passed by a
majority of approvers in the committee.
Meaning: Adapted for use as a weapon, typically through modification or
alteration. Synonym: Armed Antonym: Disarmed Sentence: The technology was
weaponised to enhance the country's defense capabilities.
Federalism Meaning:
The federal principle or system of government. Synonym: N/A (as federalism is a
specific form of governance) Antonym: Centralism Sentence: Federalism allows
for a division of powers between national and state governments
Meaning: Held tightly or firmly. Synonym: Clutched Antonym: Released Sentence:
She gripped the handle of the suitcase as she walked through the crowded
Meaning: A humorous or malicious deception. Synonym: Fraud Antonym: Truth
Sentence: The news of the alien invasion turned out to be an elaborate hoax.
Meaning: Removed from a place of danger to a safe place. Synonym: Emptied
Antonym: Inhabited Sentence: The building was evacuated immediately after the
fire alarm went off.
Meaning: A set of rules governing the exchange or transmission of data between
devices. Synonym: Procedure Antonym: Improvisation Sentence: The doctors
followed a strict protocol for treating infectious diseases.
Meaning: A person responsible for a crime or wrongdoing. Synonym: Offenders
Antonym: Victims Sentence: The police finally caught the culprits behind the
bank robbery.
Meaning: Temporary failure or decline in concentration, memory, or judgment.
Synonym: Slips Antonym: Continuities Sentence: He apologized for the lapse in
his judgment during the meeting.
Meaning: The action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or
difficulties. Synonym: Alertness Antonym: Negligence Sentence: The guards
maintained their vigilance throughout the night.
Meaning: A state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior.
Synonym: Hysteria Antonym: Calm Sentence: The announcement of the concert
tickets caused a frenzy among the fans
Meaning: A sum of money pooled or collected for a particular purpose. Synonym:
Fund Antonym: Debt Sentence: The employees contributed to a kitty for their
colleague’s retirement gift.
Meaning: Move hurriedly with short, quick steps. Synonym: Scamper Antonym:
Saunter Sentence: The mice scurried away as soon as the lights were turned on.
Meaning: The impetus gained by a moving object. Synonym: Drive Antonym: Inertia
Sentence: The car gained momentum as it sped down the hill.
Meaning: Of vital importance; crucial. Synonym: Essential Antonym: Optional
Sentence: It is imperative that we reach the hospital before midnight.
Meaning: Exceeding or surpassing a target or goal. Synonym: Exceeding Antonym:
Falling short Sentence: The spacecraft ended up overshooting its intended
Meaning: Having or showing high moral standards. Synonym: Ethical Antonym:
Immoral Sentence: She was admired for her virtuous behavior and integrity.
Meaning: Deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule.
Synonym: Irregularities Antonym: Norms ●Sentence: Scientists are trying to
explain the anomalies observed in the data.
● Meaning: The quality of being sensitive, aware, or responsive to the needs
and feelings of others. ●Synonym: Awareness ●Antonym: Insensitivity ●Sentence:
Her sensitivity to others’ feelings made her a great counselor.
● Meaning: The conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a
profession or a professional person; adherence to professional standards.
●Synonym: Competence ●Antonym: Unprofessionalism ●Sentence: His professionalism
during the meeting impressed the clients.
●Swiftness ●
Meaning: The quality of being quick or rapid; rapidity of motion or action.
●Synonym: Speed ●Antonym: Slowness ●Sentence: The swiftness of the response team
saved many lives during the crisis.
●Emboldens ●
Meaning: To make someone feel more courageous, confident, or empowered.
●Synonym: Encourages ●Antonym: Discourages ●Sentence: The coach's speech
emboldens the players to give their best performance.
● Meaning: Individuals who carry out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act,
especially a crime. ●Synonym: Offenders ●Antonym: Victims ●Sentence: The police
are working hard to bring the perpetrators of the crime to justice.
● Meaning: Causing anxiety, sorrow, or pain; troubling or upsetting. ●Synonym:
Upsetting ●Antonym: Comforting ●Sentence: The news of the accident was very
distressing to the family.
●Trauma ●
Meaning: A deeply distressing or disturbing experience, often resulting in
psychological or emotional harm. ●Synonym: Shock ●Antonym: Calm ●Sentence: The
trauma of the car accident left her afraid to drive.
●Familial ●
Meaning: Relating to or characteristic of a family; connected with one's
family. ●Synonym: Domestic ●Antonym: Non-familial ●Sentence: She had a strong
sense of familial duty and always took care of her relatives.
●Resign ●
Meaning: To voluntarily leave a job or position, typically by formally
notifying one's employer in writing. ●Synonym: Quit ●Antonym: Accept ●Sentence:
She decided to resign from her position to pursue further studies
Bifurcated ●
Meaning: Divided into two parts or branches. ●Synonym: Split ●Antonym: United
●Sentence: The river bifurcated into two smaller streams at the base of the
● Meaning: The action of formally ending or dismissing an assembly,
partnership, or official body. ●Synonym: Termination ●Antonym: Formation
●Sentence: The dissolution of the company was announced in the press release.
● Meaning: A feeling of disappointment resulting from the discovery that
something is not as good as one believed it to be. ●Synonym: Disenchantment
●Antonym: Contentment ●Sentence: She experienced disillusionment after
realizing her dream job was not as fulfilling as she had hoped.
● Meaning: The action of subduing someone or something by force. ●Synonym:
Suppression ●Antonym: Liberation ●Sentence: The government's repression of free
speech was widely criticized.
Abrogation ●
Meaning: The repeal or abolition of a law, right, or agreement. ●Synonym:
Repeal ●Antonym: Enactment ●Sentence: The abrogation of the outdated law was
seen as a progressive move.
● Meaning: The state or experience of being isolated or estranged from a group
or activity to which one should belong or in which one should be involved.
●Synonym: Estrangement ●Antonym: Inclusion ●Sentence: His constant criticism
led to his alienation from the group
Ostensibly ●
Meaning: Apparently or purportedly, but perhaps not actually. ●Synonym:
Seemingly ●Antonym: Genuinely ●Sentence: She was ostensibly at the conference
to learn, but she spent most of her time networking
Hostilities ● Meaning: Hostile behavior; unfriendliness or opposition.
●Synonym: Aggression ●Antonym: Peace ●Sentence: The hostilities between the two
countries escalated quickly.
●Triumphal ●
Meaning: Relating to or celebrating a victory or success. ●Synonym: Victorious
●Antonym: Defeated ●Sentence: The team received a triumphal welcome after
winning the championship.
● Hollow ●
Meaning: Without significance; meaningless. ●Synonym: Empty ●Antonym:
Meaningful ●Sentence: His apology seemed hollow and insincere.
●Rejoinder ●
Meaning: A response, especially a formal one. ●Synonym: Reply ●Antonym: Silence
●Sentence: The lawyer's rejoinder to the accusation was both swift and
● Meaning: Having the function of overseeing or directing. ●Synonym: Managerial
●Antonym: Subordinate ●Sentence: She was promoted to a supervisory role after
demonstrating exceptional leadership skills.
●Grievance ●
Meaning: A real or imagined wrong or other cause for complaint or protest,
especially unfair treatment. ●Synonym: Complaint ●Antonym: Satisfaction
●Sentence: The employees filed a grievance against the company for unfair
working conditions.
Stipulated ●
Meaning: Demanded or specified as part of an agreement. ●Synonym: Specified
●Antonym: Optional ●Sentence: The contract stipulated that all work must be
completed by the end of the month.
● Meaning: The action or process of intervening in a situation. ●Synonym:
Mediation ●Antonym: Noninterference ●Sentence: The United Nations called for
intervention to prevent further violence in the region.
●Litigation ●
Meaning: The process of taking legal action; a lawsuit. ●Synonym: Legal action
●Antonym: Settlement ●Sentence: The company was involved in litigation for
several years over the patent dispute.
● Meaning: Carefully, with attention to potential risks or pitfalls. ●Synonym:
Carefully ●Antonym: Recklessly ●Sentence: She cautiously navigated through the
icy streets to avoid any accidents.
Interests ● Meaning: Personal or group interests that are seen as having a
strong influence on a particular outcome. ●Synonym: Self-interest ●Antonym:
Disinterest ●Sentence: The politicians' decisions were heavily influenced by
their vested interests in the business sector.
● Meaning: The action of forbidding something by law. ●Synonym: Ban ●Antonym:
Permission ●Sentence: The prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s led to the rise
of illegal speakeasies.
● Meaning: (in this context) Uncontrolled or rapid increase. ●Synonym:
Uncontrolled ●Antonym: Controlled ●Sentence: The runaway inflation caused
prices to skyrocket, making everyday goods unaffordable.
●Levy ●
Meaning: Impose or charge (a tax, fee, or fine). ●Synonym: Impose ●Antonym:
Remove ●Sentence: The government decided to levy a new tax on luxury goods
●Outcry ●
Meaning: An expression of strong disapproval or anger. ●Synonym: Protest
●Antonym: Approval ●Sentence: There was a public outcry against the proposed
changes to the healthcare system.
● Meaning: Giving or showing an advantage to one over another. ●Synonym:
Favorable ●Antonym: Unfair ●Sentence: The company offered preferential
treatment to its long-term customers
● Mandi ●
Meaning: A marketplace, especially in South Asia. ●Synonym: Market ●Antonym:
(no direct antonym) ●Sentence: Farmers bring their produce to the local mandi
to sell it directly to consumers.
● Meaning: Making or becoming stable or steady. ●Synonym: Steadying ●Antonym:
Destabilizing ●Sentence: The government's measures were aimed at stabilising
the economy.
● Meaning: Likely to decay or spoil quickly. ●Synonym: Short-lived ●Antonym:
Non-perishable ●Sentence: The perishable goods need to be stored in a
refrigerator to prevent spoilage.
● Meaning: The action of creating or preparing something. ●Synonym: Creation
●Antonym: Destruction ●Sentence: The scientists spent months on the formulation
of the new drug.
● Nuanced
● Meaning: Characterized by subtle differences or nuances; having or showing
understanding or appreciation for subtle distinctions. ●Synonym: Subtle
●Antonym: Blatant ●Sentence: Her nuanced understanding of the issue impressed
everyone at the meeting.
●Synonyms: Kindhearted, charitable, philanthropic, compassionate. ●Antonyms:
Malevolent, unkind, cruel, selfish. ● Meaning: Showing kindness, goodwill, and
generosity towards others. ●The benevolent old lady spent her weekends
volunteering at the local shelter, helping those in need.
●Synonyms: Increase, rise, boost, improvement. ●Antonyms: Decrease, decline,
drop, downturn. ● Meaning: A small upward movement or improvement, especially
in a trend or quantity. ●After implementing the new marketing strategy, there
was a noticeable uptick in website traffic.
● Meagre:
●Synonyms: Sparse, scanty, inadequate, insufficient. ●Antonyms: Plentiful,
abundant, generous, ample. ● Meaning: Lacking in quantity or quality,
insufficient or inadequate in amount. ●Despite their best efforts, the refugees
were only able to gather meagre supplies for their journey.
●Synonyms: Support, uphold, sustain, bolster. ●Antonyms: Undermine, weaken,
hinder, obstruct. ● Meaning: To support or sustain something, often physically
or metaphorically ●The sturdy oak tree served as a reliable prop for the swing,
providing endless entertainment for the children.
●Synonyms: Reserved, taciturn, silent, uncommunicative. ●Antonyms: Talkative,
outspoken, communicative, forthcoming. ● Meaning: Inclined to be silent or
reserved in speech, reluctant to speak. ●Although he was reticent about sharing
his personal life, he was always there to lend an ear to his friends' problems.
●Synonyms: Essential, crucial, necessary, vital. ●Antonyms: Optional,
unnecessary, nonessential, dispensable. ● Meaning: Absolutely necessary or
required, unavoidable in importance. ●It is imperative that we address climate
change now to prevent irreversible damage to our planet.
Haunting: ●Synonyms: Persistent, unforgettable, lingering, eerie. ●Antonyms:
Forgettable, fleeting, transient, unremarkable. ● Meaning: Persistently
recurring in the mind, difficult to forget or shake off. ●The haunting melody
of the song stayed with her long after the concert ended, echoing in her mind.
Momentum: ●Synonyms: Force, impetus, energy, drive. ●Antonyms: Inertia,
stagnation, halt, standstill. ● Meaning: The strength or force that allows
something to continue or grow stronger, often in a figurative sense. ●With each
successful project, the team gained momentum, propelling them closer to their
ultimate goal.
●Synonyms: Logical, reasoned, analytical, pragmatic. ●Antonyms: Irrational,
emotional, illogical, superstitious. ● Meaning: A person who bases their
beliefs and actions on reason and knowledge rather than religious or emotional
considerations. ●The rationalist approached the problem with a logical mindset,
relying on evidence and reason rather than superstition or emotion.
●Synonyms: Myth, folklore, irrational belief, old wives' tale. ●Antonyms:
Rationality, logic, reason, skepticism. ● Meaning: A belief or notion, not
based on reason or knowledge, in the ominous significance of a particular
thing, circumstance, or occurrence. ●Despite the rational explanations provided
by scientists, many people still hold on to superstitions regarding Friday the
●Synonyms: Exoneration, clearance, vindication, absolution. ●Antonyms:
Conviction, guilty verdict, condemnation. ● Meaning: The judgment of a court
that a defendant is not guilty of the crime with which they have been charged.
●After a lengthy trial, the defendant was relieved to receive an acquittal,
vindicating their innocence in the eyes of the law.
●Synonyms: ENT specialist, ear-nose-throat doctor, head and neck surgeon. ●
Meaning: A physician specializing in the medical and surgical treatment of
disorders of the ear, nose, and throat. ●The otolaryngologist diagnosed the
patient with a deviated septum and recommended surgery to alleviate their
breathing difficulties.
●Synonyms: Association, consortium, alliance, coalition. ● Meaning: A group of
individuals or organizations combined to promote some common interest. ●The
labor syndicate negotiated with management to secure better working conditions
and higher wages for its members.
●Synonyms: Disturbing, unsettling, alarming, troubling. ●Antonyms: Calming,
reassuring, soothing, comforting. ● Meaning: Causing anxiety or uneasiness;
unsettling. ●The disquieting news of the impending layoffs left employees
feeling anxious and uncertain about their futures.
●Synonyms: Indicted, charged, prosecuted, summoned. ● Meaning: To call or bring
someone before a court to answer a criminal charge. ●The suspect was arraigned
in court and pleaded not guilty to the charges of theft and vandalism.
Heinous: ●Synonyms: Atrocious, monstrous, vile, abhorrent. ●Antonyms: Virtuous,
righteous, commendable, honorable. ● Meaning: Utterly wicked or abominable;
extremely evil or reprehensible. ●The judge described the crime as heinous,
condemning the defendant's actions as utterly reprehensible and deserving of
the harshest punishment.’
●Synonyms: Adversary, opponent, rival, foe. ●Antonyms: Ally, supporter, friend,
collaborator. ● Meaning: A person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone
or something. ●In the story, the antagonist is portrayed as a cunning villain
who constantly thwarts the protagonist's efforts to achieve their goals.
●Synonyms: Pleased, honored, gratified, complimented. ●Antonyms: Insulted,
offended, humiliated, disparaged. ● Meaning: To appear more favorable or
promising than is actually the case. ●She was flattered by the compliments on
her presentation, though she knew it still needed significant improvement.
●Synonyms: Perturbing, unsettling, unnerving, discomfiting. ●Antonyms:
Reassuring, comforting, calming, soothing. ● Meaning: Causing one to feel
unsettled or uneasy; disturbing. ●The sudden change in his behavior was
disconcerting, leaving his friends wondering if something was wrong.
●Synonyms: Increase, boost, escalation, advancement. ●Antonyms: Deceleration,
slowdown, retardation, decrease. ● Meaning: The increase in rate or speed of
something. ●The acceleration of technological advancements has revolutionized
the way we live and work
●Synonyms: Declining, shrinking, diminishing, decreasing. ●Antonyms:
Increasing, growing, expanding, burgeoning. ● Meaning: Diminishing gradually in
size, amount, or strength. ●Despite their efforts to conserve water, the
drought-stricken region continued to suffer from dwindling water supplies.
●Synonyms: Aid, assistance, relief, support. ● Meaning: Assistance and support
in times of hardship and distress. ●In times of crisis, the community came
together to provide succour to those affected by the natural disaster, offering
food, shelter, and emotional support.
●Synonyms: Temporary, provisional, stopgap, makeshift. ● Meaning: Temporary; in
the meantime. ●The company appointed an interim CEO while they searched for a
permanent replacement.
●Synonyms: Oddities, eccentricities, quirks, idiosyncrasies. ● Meaning:
Distinctive features or characteristics. ●One of the peculiarities of the old
house was its hidden attic, which held forgotten treasures from years past.
●Synonyms: Collaborators, informants, witnesses, confessors. ● Meaning:
Witnesses who confess to their participation in a crime and testify against
their accomplices in exchange for immunity or leniency. ●The prosecutor offered
leniency to the approvers in exchange for their testimony against the criminal
●Synonyms: Strict, rigorous, severe, demanding. ●Antonyms: Lenient, relaxed,
flexible, permissive. ● Meaning: Strict, precise, and exacting. ●The university
had stringent admission requirements, accepting only the most academically
accomplished students.
●Synonyms: Imprisonment, confinement, detention, incarceration. ● Meaning: The
act of being imprisoned or confined. ●After being found guilty of embezzlement,
he faced incarceration in a federal prison for ten years.
●Synonyms: Harmfully, negatively, detrimentally, injuriously. ●Antonyms:
Beneficially, positively, favorably, advantageously. ● Meaning: In a way that
has a harmful or negative effect. ●The economic downturn adversely affected
small businesses, leading to layoffs and closures.
● Merits:
●Synonyms: Virtues, advantages, strengths, assets. ●Antonyms: Faults,
disadvantages, shortcomings, drawbacks. ● Meaning: The inherent rights and
wrongs of a case or argument. ●The judge carefully considered the merits of the
case before delivering the final verdict.
●Synonyms: Rational, logical, practical, reasonable. ●Antonyms: Irrational,
illogical, foolish, impractical. ● Meaning: Perceived by or affecting the
senses or intellect; something that is reasonable or practical. ●It would be
sensible to bring an umbrella, given the forecast of heavy rain later today.
●Synonyms: Dominance, superiority, prevalence, abundance. ●Antonyms: Scarcity,
rarity, paucity, dearth. ● Meaning: The quality or fact of being greater in
number, quantity, or importance. ●The preponderance of evidence supported the
prosecution's argument, leading to a conviction.
● Synonyms: Adopt, embrace, support, advocate. ● Antonyms: Reject, oppose,
abandon, renounce. ● Meaning: Adopt or support (a cause, belief, or way of
life). ● She decided to espouse the principles of environmental conservation
and began volunteering for local conservation initiatives.
● Meaning: Done secretly or kept secret. ●Synonyms: Covert, undercover,
surreptitious, hidden. ●Antonyms: Open, overt, public, transparent. ●Sentence:
The spies conducted clandestine operations behind enemy lines, gathering
valuable intelligence.
● Meaning: Find a way around (an obstacle). ●Synonyms: Bypass, evade, sidestep,
avoid. ●Antonyms: Face, confront, tackle, address. ●Sentence: The cunning thief
managed to circumvent the security system and enter the building undetected.
● Meaning: Preventing success or development; harmful; unfavorable. ●Synonyms:
Unfavorable, detrimental, hostile, disadvantageous. ●Antonyms: Favorable,
beneficial, advantageous, positive. ●Sentence: The adverse weather conditions
forced the cancellation of the outdoor event.
fides: ● Meaning: Good faith; sincerity; honesty. ●Synonyms: Authenticity,
genuineness, credibility, integrity. ●Antonyms: Fraudulence, deceit,
dishonesty, insincerity. ●Sentence: The company requested proof of his bona
fides before entering into negotiations.
● Meaning: Regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with.
●Synonyms: Inviolable, sacred, hallowed, inviolate. ●Antonyms: Profane,
ordinary, common, mundane. ●Sentence: Freedom of speech is considered
sacrosanct in democratic societies.
● Meaning: Unlikely and unconvincing; implausible. ●Synonyms: Implausible,
improbable, unlikely, fanciful. ●Antonyms: Plausible, believable, credible,
likely. ●Sentence: The detective dismissed the witness's far-fetched story as
pure fiction.
● Meaning: Very strange or unusual; bizarre. ●Synonyms: Eccentric, peculiar,
bizarre, unconventional. ●Antonyms: Conventional, ordinary, commonplace,
familiar. ●Sentence: She wore an outlandish outfit to the costume party,
attracting attention from everyone.
● Meaning: Producing good effects; beneficial; health-giving. ●Synonyms:
Beneficial, advantageous, wholesome, beneficial. ●Antonyms: Harmful,
detrimental, adverse, unhealthy. ●Sentence: The salutary effects of regular
exercise on physical and mental health are well-documented.
● Meaning: Claims or assertions made, typically without proof. ●Synonyms:
Accusations, charges, assertions, claims. ●Antonyms: Confirmations,
validations, substantiations, proofs. ●Sentence: The allegations of corruption
against the politician were vigorously denied.
● Meaning: Physically attacking or harming someone. ●Synonyms: Attacking,
striking, assaulting, battering. ●Antonyms: Protecting, defending, guarding,
shielding. ●Sentence: The security guard prevented the assailant from
assaulting the innocent bystander
● Meaning: In a manner that is offensive or inappropriate. ●Synonyms:
Improperly, offensively, obscenely, indecorously. ●Antonyms: Respectfully,
decently, modestly, appropriately. ●Sentence: The comedian's jokes were deemed
indecent and caused outrage among the audience.
● Meaning: Charges someone with wrongdoing or fault. ●Synonyms: Blames,
charges, accuses, incriminates. ●Antonyms: Exonerates, absolves, acquits,
clears. ●Sentence: The prosecutor accuses the suspect of theft based on
eyewitness testimony.
● Meaning: Priority or greater importance given to something. ●Synonyms:
Priority, precedence, preference, importance. ●Antonyms: Subordination,
inferiority, unimportance, insignificance. ●Sentence: Safety takes precedence
over speed when it comes to driving on icy roads.
Hypocritical: ● Meaning: Behaving in a way that contradicts one's stated
beliefs or feelings. ●Synonyms: Two-faced, insincere, deceitful, false. ●Antonyms:
Genuine, sincere, honest, authentic. ●Sentence: It's hypocritical to preach
about hone
● Meaning: Moral or cultural decline, often characterized by excessive
indulgence. ●Synonyms: Degeneracy, corruption, depravity, dissipation.
●Antonyms: Virtue, purity, asceticism, austerity. ●Sentence: The decadence of
the aristocracy was evident in their extravagant parties and lavish lifestyles
sty while
engaging in deceitful behavior.
● Meaning: Expressed in terms intended to persuade or impress, rather than to
convey literal meaning. ●Synonyms: Persuasive, eloquent, impressive,
grandiloquent. ●Antonyms: Literal, plain, straightforward, unadorned.
●Sentence: The politician's speech was filled with rhetorical flourishes
designed to sway the audience.
Nepotism: ● Meaning: Favoritism shown to relatives or close associates,
especially in business or politics. ●Synonyms: Favoritism, cronyism,
partiality, bias. ●Antonyms: Impartiality, fairness, equity, justice.
●Sentence: The company's hiring practices were criticized for promoting
nepotism over meritocracy.
● Meaning: Protected or shielded from criticism or outside influences.
●Synonyms: Protected, shielded, isolated, buffered. ●Antonyms: Exposed,
vulnerable, susceptible, unprotected. ●Sentence: Growing up in a wealthy
neighborhood, he was insulated from the realities of poverty and hardship.
● Meaning: To formally open or begin something, especially with a ceremony.
●Synonyms: Launching, initiating, commencing, starting. ●Antonyms: Closing,
ending, concluding, terminating. ●Sentence: The mayor will be inaugurating the
new library next week with a ribboncutting ceremony.
● Meaning: Increased rapidly in severity or intensity. ●Synonyms: Intensified,
heightened, amplified, heightened. ●Antonyms: Decreased, lessened, reduced,
abated. ●Sentence: Tensions between the two countries escalated after the
border dispute turned violent.
● Meaning: A person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting
them not to repeat it to others. ●Synonyms: Trustee, confidante, intimate,
ally. ●Antonyms: Betrayer, traitor, foe, adversary. ●Sentence: She confided in
her best friend, knowing he would keep her secrets safe as her confidant.
● Meaning: Never done or known before; without previous example. ●Synonyms:
Unparalleled, exceptional, extraordinary, novel. ●Antonyms: Common, ordinary,
familiar, routine. ●Sentence: The company achieved unprecedented success with
its latest product launch, surpassing all previous sales records.
● Meaning: Seriously affected by an undesirable condition or unpleasant
feeling. ●Synonyms: Afflicted, afflicted, distressed, afflicted. ●Antonyms:
Healthy, unaffected, unaffected, unharmed. ●Sentence: The community was
stricken with grief following the sudden loss of their beloved mayor.
●Go down:
● Meaning: Descending or moving to a lower position. ●Synonyms: Descend, drop,
lower, sink. ●Antonyms: Ascend, rise, climb, elevate. ●Sentence: The sun began
to go down, casting long shadows across the landscape.
● Meaning: One who performs religious duties or functions. ●Synonyms: Priest,
minister, clergyman, pastor. ●Antonyms: Layperson, non-cleric, secular,
nonreligious. ●Sentence: The cleric presided over the wedding ceremony,
delivering a heartfelt sermon to the newlyweds.
● Meaning: A series of strict or severe measures or actions taken by
authorities to enforce laws. ●Synonyms: Clampdown, suppression, repression,
enforcement. ●Antonyms: Leniency, tolerance, relaxation, permissiveness.
●Sentence: The government launched a crackdown on illegal drug trafficking,
leading to numerous arrests and seizures.
down: ● Meaning: To reinforce one's commitment or determination. ●Synonyms:
Strengthened, fortified, intensified, reaffirmed. ●Antonyms: Weakened,
compromised, abandoned, relinquished. ●Sentence: Despite facing criticism, the
politician doubled down on his controversial stance, refusing to back down.
● Meaning: Damaged, beaten. ●Synonyms: Bruised, damaged, beaten, abused.
●Antonyms: Intact, undamaged, unharmed, pristine. ●Sentence: The old car was
battered and worn, showing signs of its years of use.
●On fire:
● Meaning: To be highly successful. ●Synonyms: Thriving, flourishing,
successful, triumphant. ●Antonyms: Struggling, failing, declining, faltering.
●Sentence: The young entrepreneur's business was on fire, experiencing rapid
growth and expansion.
● Meaning: An official building or office of a government in a foreign city.
●Synonyms: Embassy, mission, diplomatic office, representation. ●Antonyms:
None. ●Sentence: The American consulate in Paris provides assistance to
citizens living or traveling in France.
● Meaning: The state of being isolated or estranged from a group or society.
●Synonyms: Estrangement, isolation, detachment, separation. ●Antonyms:
Inclusion, integration, acceptance, belonging. ●Sentence: His constant
criticism led to a sense of alienation from his colleagues.
● Meaning: The action of competing for something. ●Synonyms: Competition,
rivalry, contention, challenge. ●Antonyms: Cooperation, collaboration,
agreement, concord. ●Sentence: The contestation for the championship title was
fierce and intense
● Meaning: To preserve or cherish as sacred. ●Synonyms: Preserve, cherish,
treasure, safeguard. ●Antonyms: Neglect, disregard, abandon, desecrate.
●Sentence: The values of honesty and integrity are enshrined in the company's
code of conduct
● Meaning: Compensation for a loss or injury; making up for a wrongdoing.
●Synonyms: Compensation, restitution, reparation, apology. ●Antonyms: Offense,
harm, injury, wrongdoing. ●Sentence: He offered to make amends for his mistake
by apologizing and rectifying the situation.
Morass: ●
Meaning: A complicated or confused situation; a tangled or confusing mass or
situation. ●Synonyms: Quagmire, swamp, labyrinth, maze. ●Antonyms: Clarity,
simplicity, straightforwardness, order. ●Sentence: The negotiations turned into
a morass of conflicting interests and demands.
● Meaning: Favorable to or promoting health or well-being. ●Synonyms: Healthy,
beneficial, wholesome, invigorating. ●Antonyms: Unhealthy, harmful,
detrimental, noxious. ●Sentence: The mountain air was salubrious, refreshing
both the body and mind.
● Meaning: Clear and not open to interpretation; not ambiguous. ●Synonyms:
Clear, explicit, definite, unequivocal. ●Antonyms: Ambiguous, unclear, vague,
uncertain. ●Sentence: His instructions were unambiguous, leaving no room for
● Meaning: Supporting or recommending. ●Synonyms: Supporting, advocating,
promoting, approving. ●Antonyms: Opposing, condemning, disapproving, rejecting.
●Sentence: The celebrity endorsement significantly boosted sales for the new
Heavyweight: ● Meaning: Significant or important. ●Synonyms: Influential,
prominent, major, significant. ●Antonyms: Insignificant, minor, lightweight,
trivial. ●Sentence: The heavyweight boxer dominated the ring with his powerful
● Meaning: An area where a conflict or competition is taking place. ●Synonyms:
Battlefield, arena, field of battle, combat zone. ●Antonyms: Peaceful area,
safe zone, neutral ground. ●Sentence: The political arena became a battleground
for competing ideologies.
● Meaning: Breaking or dividing into smaller groups or factions. ●Synonyms:
Fragmenting, fracturing, splitting, dividing. ●Antonyms: Unifying,
consolidating, integrating, combining. ●Sentence: The party splintered into
rival factions after the leadership dispute
● Meaning: Lack of interest or enthusiasm. ●Synonyms: Indifference, lethargy,
passivity, disinterest. ●Antonyms: Enthusiasm, passion, interest, engagement.
●Sentence: The voter turnout was low due to widespread apathy towards the
political process.
● Meaning: A mutual relationship or connection between two or more things.
●Synonyms: Connection, association, relationship, link. ●Antonyms:
Disconnection, dissociation, unrelatedness, independence. ●Sentence: There is a
strong correlation between smoking and lung cancer
● Meaning: The act of making something sacred or holy. ●Synonyms:
Sanctification, dedication, blessing, hallowing. ●Antonyms: Desecration,
profanation, sacrilege, violation. ●Sentence: The bishop performed the
consecration ceremony for the new church.
● Meaning: Persistent or unyielding. ●Synonyms: Determined, persevering,
tenacious, relentless. ●Antonyms: Indifferent, lax, slack, yielding. ●Sentence:
Despite numerous setbacks, she remained relentless in her pursuit of success.
● Meaning: Inspiring fear or respect due to being impressive or powerful.
●Synonyms: Intimidating, imposing, formidable, impressive. ●Antonyms:
Unimposing, unthreatening, insignificant, feeble. ●Sentence: The army faced a
formidable opponent on the battlefield.
● Meaning: The Prime Minister of Ireland. ●Synonyms: Prime Minister, head of
government. ●Antonyms: None. ●Sentence: The Taoiseach addressed the nation to
announce new policies aimed at economic recovery.
● Meaning: A legal official who accuses someone of committing a crime,
especially in a court of law. ●Synonyms: District attorney, attorney general,
state's attorney. ●Antonyms: Defender, defense attorney, defense lawyer.
●Sentence: The prosecutor presented compelling evidence against the defendant
during the trial.
● Meaning: Serving as a symbol, representing something else. ●Synonyms:
Emblematic, representative, figurative, metaphorical. ●Antonyms: Literal,
actual, concrete, real. ●Sentence: The dove is often seen as a symbolic
representation of peace.
Moderate: ● Meaning: Avoiding extremes; average. ●Synonyms: Temperate, mild,
reasonable, balanced. ●Antonyms: Extreme, excessive, radical, immoderate.
●Sentence: She adopted a moderate approach to dieting, allowing herself
occasional treats in moderation.
● Meaning: Lasting for a long time or longer than expected. ●Synonyms:
Prolonged, extended, drawn-out, lengthy. ●Antonyms: Brief, short, fleeting,
transient. ●Sentence: The negotiations became protracted as both sides refused
to compromise.
down: ● Meaning: A severe reprimand or scolding. ●Synonyms: Rebuke,
chastisement, admonishment, reprimand. ●Antonyms: Praise, commendation,
approval, accolade. ●Sentence: The manager gave him a dressing down for
arriving late to work for the third time that week.
● Meaning: The process or fact of being alone or separated from others.
●Synonyms: Solitude, seclusion, loneliness, separation. ●Antonyms: Inclusion,
integration, companionship, togetherness. ●Sentence: The prisoner endured years
of isolation in solitary confinement.
Humanitarian: ● Meaning: Concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare.
●Synonyms: Charitable, philanthropic, altruistic, compassionate. ●Antonyms:
Selfish, indifferent, inhumane, uncompassionate. ●Sentence: She devoted her
life to humanitarian work, providing aid to refugees in war-torn regions.
● Meaning: Feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.
●Synonyms: Compassion, empathy, understanding, commiseration. ●Antonyms:
Indifference, apathy, callousness, insensitivity. ●Sentence: The community
showed great sympathy for the family who lost their home in the fire.
● Meaning: An amount of something left over when requirements have been met; an
excess. ●Synonyms: Excess, abundance, extra, leftover. ●Antonyms: Shortage,
deficiency, scarcity, lack. ●Sentence: The surplus of food from the harvest was
distributed to local food banks.
● Meaning: Acting with or showing care and thought for the future. ●Synonyms:
Wise, sensible, judicious, cautious. ●Antonyms: Reckless, careless, imprudent,
foolish. ●Sentence: It is prudent to save money for unexpected expenses.
room: ● Meaning: Sufficient space to move or act freely. ●Synonyms: Space,
freedom, leeway, maneuverability. ●Antonyms: Constraint, confinement,
restriction, limitation. ●Sentence: The spacious living room provided plenty of
elbow room for guests.
● Meaning: Noted or planned tentatively. ●Synonyms: Noted, outlined, sketched,
drafted. ●Antonyms: Finalized, confirmed, decided, inked. ●Sentence: The
meeting was pencilled in for next Tuesday, but it may be subject to change.
● Meaning: The action of providing or supplying something for use. ●Synonyms:
Supplying, furnishing, equipping, stocking. ●Antonyms: Depriving, withholding,
limiting, restricting. ●Sentence: The provisioning of emergency supplies was
essential for the survival of the expedition.
● Meaning: Subject to chance; dependent on. ●Synonyms: Dependent, conditional,
reliant, subject. ●Antonyms: Independent, certain, definite, unconditional.
●Sentence: Our plans for the outdoor event are contingent upon the weather
● Meaning: Large in quantity; abundant. ●Synonyms: Generous, plentiful, ample,
copious. ●Antonyms: Scant, meager, sparse, insufficient. ●Sentence: The
bountiful harvest ensured food security for the entire community.
● Meaning: A situation or event that creates a sudden increase in wealth, good
fortune, or profits. ●Synonyms: Windfall, jackpot, boon, stroke of luck.
●Antonyms: Misfortune, setback, loss, failure. ●Sentence: The discovery of oil
led to a bonanza for the local economy.
● Meaning: Relating to government revenue, especially taxes. ●Synonyms:
Financial, economic, monetary, budgetary. ●Antonyms: Nonfinancial, nonmonetary,
nonbudgetary. ●Sentence: The fiscal policy aims to balance government spending
and revenue.
● Meaning: The action or process of making something stronger or more solid.
●Synonyms: Strengthening, reinforcement, solidification, integration.
●Antonyms: Disintegration, fragmentation, weakening, dispersal. ●Sentence: The
merger resulted in the consolidation of two companies into one
● Meaning: Second to last. ●Synonyms: Next-to-last, second-to-last, preceding
the last. ●Antonyms: First, initial, primary, beginning. ●Sentence: The
penultimate chapter of the book revealed a shocking plot twist.
● Meaning: Occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places; scattered
or isolated. ●Synonyms: Infrequent, occasional, irregular, random. ●Antonyms:
Regular, constant, continuous, consistent. ●Sentence: The sporadic rainfall did
little to alleviate the drought conditions in the region.
● Meaning: The number of people who participate in or attend an event.
●Synonyms: Attendance, showing, participation, audience. ●Antonyms: Absence,
nonattendance, noshow, boycott. ●Sentence: The turnout for the concert was
disappointing despite extensive promotion.
● Meaning: Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. ●Synonyms: Indifference,
passivity, lethargy, unconcern. ●Antonyms: Interest, enthusiasm, concern,
passion. ●Sentence: Voter apathy was evident in the low turnout for the
● Meaning: Extremely hot or intense. ●Synonyms: Scorching, burning, blistering,
seething. ●Antonyms: Mild, cool, gentle, soothing. ●Sentence: The searing heat
of the desert sun made walking unbearable.
● Meaning: Not qualified or diminished in any way; total. ●Synonyms: Complete,
total, utter, unconditional. ●Antonyms: Partial, relative, conditional,
qualified. ●Sentence: The dictator wielded absolute power over the country.
● Meaning: Suggesting or hinting something bad in an indirect and unpleasant
way. ●Synonyms: Suggestive, implying, hinting, alluding. ●Antonyms: Direct,
straightforward, explicit, clear. ●Sentence: His insinuating remarks about her
character offended her deeply.
● Meaning: Spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of. ●Synonyms: Corrupt,
contaminate, tarnish, undermine. ●Antonyms: Improve, enhance, purify,
strengthen. ●Sentence: The presence of counterfeit products will vitiate the
reputation of the brand.
● Meaning: It is appropriate or suitable; it befits. ●Synonyms: Befits, suits,
is fitting, is appropriate. ●Antonyms: Misfits, unsuitable, inappropriate, does
not befit. ●Sentence: It behoves us to act responsibly in times of crisis.
● Meaning: Strong and healthy; vigorous. ●Synonyms: Healthy, vigorous, strong,
sturdy. ●Antonyms: Weak, frail, feeble, delicate. ●Sentence: Regular exercise
and a balanced diet are essential for maintaining a robust immune system.
● Meaning: Engraved or carved into a surface. ●Synonyms: Engraved, inscribed,
incised, carved. ●Antonyms: Smoothed, erased, obliterated, effaced. ●Sentence:
The artist's name was etched into the bottom corner of the painting.
● Meaning: The main characters in a film, play, novel, etc. ●Synonyms: Main
characters, leading roles, central figures, heroes/heroines. ●Antonyms:
Antagonists, supporting characters, minor roles. ●Sentence: The protagonists of
the story embark on a quest to save their kingdom from darkness.
● Meaning: Involving three languages. ●Synonyms: Multilingual, polyglot, fluent
in three languages. ●Antonyms: Monolingual, unilingual, bilingual. ●Sentence:
Growing up in a multicultural environment, she became trilingual at a young
● Meaning: Deliberately avoiding or abstaining from. ●Synonyms: Avoiding,
shunning, abstaining from, refraining from. ●Antonyms: Embracing, adopting,
accepting, welcoming. ●Sentence: He prided himself on eschewing modern
technology in favor of a simpler lifestyle.
●Trope: ●
Meaning: A common or overused theme or device. ●Synonyms: Cliché, motif,
convention, stereotype. ●Antonyms: Originality, innovation, uniqueness,
deviation. ●Sentence: The film relied heavily on the trope of the hero's
journey to structure its narrative.
● Meaning: Unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among
individuals with a common interest. ●Synonyms: Unity, cohesion, camaraderie,
support. ●Antonyms: Division, discord, disunity, conflict. ●Sentence: The
workers showed solidarity by going on strike to demand fair wages.
● Meaning: The practice or policy of including people who might otherwise be
excluded or marginalized. ●Synonyms: Inclusion, diversity, accessibility,
acceptance. ●Antonyms: Exclusivity, discrimination, marginalization,
segregation. ●Sentence: The company promotes inclusivity by actively recruiting
candidates from diverse backgrounds.
● Meaning: Expressing feelings of gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an
unrestrained or heartfelt manner. ●Synonyms: Gushing, enthusiastic,
unrestrained, overflowing. ●Antonyms: Reserved, restrained, subdued,
unenthusiastic. ●Sentence: She received effusive praise for her performance in
the school play.
● Meaning: A disagreement or fight with someone. ●Synonyms: Argument,
altercation, conflict, clash. ●Antonyms: Agreement, harmony, peace,
reconciliation. ●Sentence: He had a run-in with his neighbor over the property
● Meaning: Making something less strong or intense. ●Synonyms: Diminishing,
reducing, weakening, moderating. ●Antonyms: Enhancing, intensifying,
strengthening, amplifying. ●Sentence: The rainy weather was dampening our
enthusiasm for the outdoor picnic.
● Meaning: The act of setting limits or boundaries. ●Synonyms: Limitation,
demarcation, restriction, boundary. ●Antonyms: Expansion, broadening,
liberation, freedom. ●Sentence: The delimitation of the national park's
boundaries was crucial for conservation efforts.
●Bump: ●
Meaning: A sudden increase. ●Synonyms: Spike, rise, surge, upturn. ●Antonyms:
Decrease, decline, drop, decrease. ●Sentence: There was a bump in sales
following the release of the new product.
● Meaning: In a very noticeable or significant way. ●Synonyms: Significantly,
markedly, strikingly, notably. ●Antonyms: Insignificantly, negligibly,
unnoticeably, subtly. ●Sentence: The company's profits increased dramatically
after implementing the new marketing strategy
● Meaning: Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. ●Synonyms: Indifference,
passivity, lethargy, unconcern. ●Antonyms: Interest, enthusiasm, concern,
passion. ●Sentence: Voter apathy was evident in the low turnout for the
● Meaning: Erode the base or foundation of something. ●Synonyms: Weaken,
sabotage, subvert, undercut. ●Antonyms: Strengthen, support, reinforce,
bolster. ●Sentence: Constant criticism can undermine confidence and morale in
the workplace.
● Meaning: All the people in a country or area who are entitled to vote in an
election. ●Synonyms: Voters, citizenry, constituency, electorate. ●Antonyms:
None. ●Sentence: The candidates campaigned vigorously to win over the
●Fray: ●
Meaning: A situation of intense activity or contest, typically involving
aggression or competition. ●Synonyms: Battle, skirmish, conflict,
confrontation. ●Antonyms: Peace, calm, tranquility, harmony. ●Sentence: The
political fray heated up as the election approached.
● Meaning: Intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. ●Synonyms:
Eagerness, passion, zeal, fervor. ●Antonyms: Apathy, indifference, lethargy,
disinterest. ●Sentence: Her enthusiasm for the project was infectious,
motivating the team to work harder.
● Meaning: Having the right to do or obtain something; satisfying the
appropriate conditions. ●Synonyms: Qualified, entitled, suitable, eligible.
●Antonyms: Ineligible, disqualified, unsuitable, unqualified. ●Sentence: Only
those who meet the eligibility criteria can apply for the scholarship.
● Meaning: Proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects.
●Synonyms: Stealthy, cunning, deceitful, treacherous. ●Antonyms: Obvious,
overt, straightforward, transparent. ●Sentence: The insidious spread of
misinformation can have damaging consequences on public opinion.
● Meaning: Serving as a recommendation rather than a mandatory rule. ●Synonyms:
Advisory, suggestive, optional, non-compulsory. ●Antonyms: Mandatory,
compulsory, required, obligatory. ●Sentence: The guidelines are recommendatory
rather than enforceable by law.
● Meaning: Spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people. ●Synonyms:
Prevalent, widespread, ubiquitous, extensive. ●Antonyms: Limited, rare,
isolated, confined. ●Sentence: The pervasive influence of social media shapes
our daily lives in numerous ways.
● Meaning: Give new and improved form, structure, or appearance to. ●Synonyms:
Overhaul, renovate, remodel, refurbish. ●Antonyms: Deteriorate, worsen,
degrade, neglect. ●Sentence: The company decided to revamp its website to
attract more customers.
Manifold: ● Meaning: Many and various. ●Synonyms: Numerous, multiple, diverse,
varied. ●Antonyms: Few, singular, limited, uniform. ●Sentence: The benefits of
exercise are manifold, ranging from improved physical health to mental
● Meaning: Causing shock or dismay; horrific. ●Synonyms: Horrifying, shocking,
dreadful, horrifying. ●Antonyms: Pleasant, comforting, satisfactory,
delightful. ●Sentence: The appalling conditions in the refugee camps shocked
the international community.
● Meaning: Later than should have been the case. ●Synonyms: Delayed, tardily,
overdue, behind schedule. ●Antonyms: Promptly, punctually, timely, early.
●Sentence: She apologized belatedly for forgetting her friend's birthday.
● Meaning: The operation or activity of two or more things at the same time or
rate. ●Synonyms: Coordination, alignment, simultaneous action. ●Antonyms:
Desynchronization, asynchronization, lack of coordination. ●Sentence: The
dancers performed in perfect synchronization, creating a mesmerizing display of
● Meaning: A type of resistor whose resistance varies significantly with
temperature, used especially in temperature sensing. ●Synonyms: Temperature
sensor, thermal resistor. ●Antonyms: None. ●Sentence: The thermistor in the
thermostat detects changes in temperature and adjusts the heating accordingly.
● Meaning: Extremely hot. ●Synonyms: Searing, blistering, burning, sweltering.
●Antonyms: Cold, cool, chilly, freezing. ●Sentence: The scorching heat of the
desert made it difficult to walk outside.
● Meaning: The provision of fresh air to a room, building, etc. ●Synonyms: Air
circulation, airing, airing out, freshening. ●Antonyms: Stagnation, stillness,
suffocation, lack of ventilation. ●Sentence: Proper ventilation is essential to
maintain good indoor air quality.
● Meaning: Deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected. ●Synonyms:
Abnormal, irregular, unusual, atypical. ●Antonyms: Typical, normal, standard,
conventional. ●Sentence: The anomalous behavior of the machine puzzled the
● Meaning: Existing or carried on between states. ●Synonyms: Intercity,
cross-border, interprovincial. ●Antonyms: Intrastate, local, domestic.
●Sentence: The interstate highway system facilitates travel between different
● Meaning: Given the authority or power to do something. ●Synonyms: Authorized,
enabled, entitled, invested. ●Antonyms: Disempowered, incapacitated,
restricted, limited. ●Sentence: The new laws empowered citizens to hold their
elected officials accountable.
● Meaning: Interfering with something in order to cause damage or make
unauthorized alterations. ●Synonyms: Meddling, interfering, sabotaging,
meddling. ●Antonyms: Respecting, leaving alone, preserving, respecting.
●Sentence: The security footage showed evidence of someone tampering with the
electronic locks.
● Meaning: Examine or inspect closely and thoroughly. ●Synonyms: Examine,
inspect, study, analyze. ●Antonyms: Glance, skim, overlook, neglect. ●Sentence:
The accountant scrutinized the financial records for any discrepancies.
● Meaning: Provide someone with an incentive for doing something. ●Synonyms:
Motivate, encourage, stimulate, reward. ●Antonyms: Discourage, demotivate,
disincentivize, dissuade. ●Sentence: The company offers bonuses to incentivize
employees to meet their sales targets.
● Meaning: Relating to the immediate surroundings of something. ●Synonyms:
Surrounding, encompassing, surrounding. ●Antonyms: Distant, remote, isolated.
●Sentence: The ambient temperature in the room was comfortable, thanks to the
air conditioning
●Felon ●
Meaning: A person who has been convicted of a serious crime. ●Synonyms:
Criminal, offender, convict, lawbreaker. ●Antonyms: Law-abider, innocent,
upright citizen. ●Usage: The felon was sentenced to ten years in prison for his
●Jury ●
Meaning: A group of people sworn to give a verdict in a legal case based on the
evidence presented. ●Synonyms: Panel, tribunal, judge. ●Antonyms: Defendant,
accused. ●Usage: The jury deliberated for hours before reaching a unanimous
● Meaning: A formal declaration that someone is guilty of a criminal offense.
●Synonyms: Verdict, sentence, judgement, condemnation. ●Antonyms: Acquittal,
exoneration, absolution. ●Usage: Her conviction was upheld by the appellate
● Meaning: Altering information or documents with the intent to deceive.
●Synonyms: Forging, doctoring, fabricating, manipulating. ●Antonyms:
Authenticating, verifying, confirming. ●Usage: He was caught falsifying records
to cover up his embezzlement.
● Meaning: Repayment for expenses or losses incurred. ●Synonyms: Refund,
compensation, repayment, restitution. ●Antonyms: Debt, loss, forfeiture.
●Usage: She received reimbursement for her travel expenses
Meaning: The declaration of the punishment decided for an offender. Synonyms:
Punishment, judgment, penalty, decree. Antonyms: Pardon, acquittal, release.
Usage: The judge will be sentencing the convicted felon next week.
Meaning: Causing division into two sharply contrasting groups or sets of
opinions or beliefs. Synonyms: Divisive, contentious, controversial,
discordant. Antonyms: Unifying, conciliatory, harmonizing. Usage: His
polarizing remarks split the community into two opposing factions.
Meaning: Involved in or prepared for a conflict. Synonyms: Besieged,
beleaguered, troubled, surrounded. Antonyms: Untroubled, calm, peaceful. Usage:
The embattled mayor faced criticism from all sides.
Meaning: Based on probability or presumption; likely to be. Synonyms: Assumed,
probable, likely, supposed. Antonyms: Certain, definite, sure. Usage: He is the
presumptive nominee for the upcoming election.
Meaning: A minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of
legislation, etc. Synonyms: Revision, modification, alteration, adjustment.
Antonyms: Worsening, deterioration, preservation. Usage: The constitution was
updated with a new amendment.
Curtains coming
down Meaning: The end of an event or activity. Synonyms: Conclusion, finale,
cessation. Antonyms: Beginning, commencement, start. Usage: The curtains coming
down on the project marked the end of months of hard work.
stock Meaning: To review or assess a situation. Synonyms: Evaluate, assess,
review. Antonyms: Ignore, neglect. Usage: After the campaign, the team took
stock of their achievements and setbacks.
Meaning: Examining or considering again. Synonyms: Reevaluating, reexamining,
reconsidering. Antonyms: Ignoring, overlooking. Usage: The committee is
revisiting the policy to ensure it meets current needs.
Meaning: Persuasive or impactful speech. Synonyms: Oratory, eloquence,
discourse. Antonyms: Silence, inarticulateness. Usage: The politician's
rhetoric was effective in rallying support.
up Meaning: To increase or escalate. Synonyms: Intensify, amplify, escalate.
Antonyms: Decrease, reduce, diminish. Usage: The company decided to ratchet up
production to meet the rising demand.
Meaning: In a disapproving or derogatory manner. Synonyms: Disparagingly,
negatively, derogatorily. Antonyms: Positively, approvingly, complimentary.
Usage: The term was used pejoratively to demean the opponent
Meaning: Announced publicly or officially. Synonyms: Declared, announced,
pronounced. Antonyms: Concealed, withheld, hidden. Usage: The leader proclaimed
the new policy changes in a press conference.
Meaning: To violate a law or command. Synonyms: Offend, sin, infringe.
Antonyms: Comply, obey, conform. Usage: Those who transgress the rules will
face severe consequences.
eyebrows Meaning: To cause surprise or disapproval. Synonyms: Surprised,
shocked, astonished. Antonyms: Expected, anticipated. Usage: His decision to
quit the job raised eyebrows among his colleagues.
Raking up
Meaning: To bring up something unpleasant. Synonyms: Digging up, dredging up,
reviving. Antonyms: Burying, forgetting, ignoring. Usage: Raking up old
arguments will not help resolve the current issue.
Meaning: Agreement or cooperation between two political parties. Synonyms:
Cooperation, collaboration, unity. Antonyms: Partisanship, division,
opposition. Usage: Bipartisanship is essential for passing major legislation.
Meaning: The movement or positioning of forces or resources. Synonyms:
Positioning, stationing, arrangement. Antonyms: Withdrawal, retraction. Usage:
The deployment of additional troops was ordered to ensure security.
Meaning: The process of campaigning for election. Synonyms: Campaigning,
canvassing, electioneering. Antonyms: Apathy, disengagement. Usage: The
candidates are out on the hustings, trying to win votes.
settles Meaning: When a situation becomes clear after a period of confusion or
chaos. Synonyms: Clarity, calm, resolution. Antonyms: Turmoil, confusion,
chaos. Usage: Once the dust settles, we will have a better understanding of the
Meaning: Biased information used to promote a political cause or point of view.
Synonyms: Disinformation, publicity, indoctrination. Antonyms: Truth, accuracy,
impartiality. Usage: The regime used propaganda to manipulate public opinion
Meaning: Clear and precise; leaving no room for confusion or doubt. Synonyms:
Clear, explicit, unequivocal. Antonyms: Ambiguous, unclear, vague. Usage: The
instructions were unambiguous, making the assembly process easy to follow.
Meaning: The act of repeating something, typically for emphasis or clarity.
Synonyms: Repetition, restatement, reaffirmation. Antonyms: Original statement,
single instance. Usage: The teacher's reiteration of the key concepts helped
the students understand the material better.
Meaning: A current score or amount. Synonyms: Count, total, sum. Antonyms:
Estimate, guess. Usage: The final tally showed that the team had raised over
$10,000 for the charity.
Meaning: The act of organizing or preparing people for a purpose or action.
Synonyms: Organization, assembly, rallying. Antonyms: Demobilization,
dispersal. Usage: The rapid mobilisation of volunteers was crucial in the
disaster relief efforts.
Meaning: Required or expected to justify actions or decisions; responsible.
Synonyms: Responsible, answerable, liable. Antonyms: Unaccountable,
irresponsible. Usage: The manager is accountable for the performance of his
Meaning: Intended or likely to placate or pacify; making peace. Synonyms:
Pacifying, appeasing, mollifying. Antonyms: Confrontational, antagonistic,
hostile. Usage: The diplomat's conciliatory approach helped ease tensions
between the two countries.
Meaning: A loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting
vehemently. Synonyms: Uproar, commotion, outcry. Antonyms: Silence, quiet,
calm. Usage: The clamour of the protesters could be heard from blocks away.
Meaning: A heavily protected and impenetrable building or place. Synonyms:
Stronghold, bastion, citadel. Antonyms: Unprotected area, weak spot. Usage: The
castle was built as a fortress to defend against invaders
Synonym: Unusual, abnormal, atypical Antonym: Regular, standard, normal Usage:
The judge ruled the contract void due to irregular practices during its
Synonym: Analyze, examine, scrutinize Antonym: Ignore, overlook, neglect Usage:
The scientist took great care to dissect the specimen for a detailed study
Synonym: Strange, odd, peculiar Antonym: Normal, usual, conventional Usage: The
movie's plot was so bizarre that it left the audience bewildered
Synonym: Unrelated, extraneous, immaterial Antonym: Relevant, pertinent,
appropriate Usage: The lawyer's argument was dismissed as irrelevant to the
Synonym: Overrule, cancel, annul Antonym: Uphold, ratify, validate Usage: The
manager decided to override the initial decision and approve the new proposal.
Synonym: Advice, guidance, attorneys Antonym: Misinformation, misguidance,
clients Usage: The defendant sought the counsel of an experienced attorney for
his trial.
Synonym: Compulsory, obligatory, required Antonym: Optional, voluntary,
elective Usage: Wearing a seatbelt is mandatory while driving.
Synonym: Reasons, explanations, defenses Antonym: Excuses, denials, objections
Usage: The committee provided detailed justifications for the budget increase.
Synonym: Beneficial, advantageous, constructive Antonym: Harmful, detrimental,
adverse Usage: The failure of the project served as a salutary lesson for the
Synonym: Examined, inspected, reviewed Antonym: Glanced, skimmed, ignored
Usage: The auditors scrutinized the financial records for any discrepancies.
Synonym: Enforce, dictate, mandate Antonym: Lift, withdraw, abolish Usage: The
government decided to impose new taxes to boost revenue.
Synonym: Non-religious, worldly, temporal Antonym: Religious, sacred, spiritual
Usage: The country has a secular constitution that separates religion from
state affairs.
Synonym: Unnecessary, excessive, redundant Antonym: Essential, necessary,
required Usage: The report was full of superfluous details that could have been
Synonym: Performing, officiating, celebrating Antonym: Annulment, dissolution,
invalidating Usage: The priest was responsible for solemnizing the marriage
Synonym: Advantages, rights, benefits Antonym: Disadvantages, penalties,
restrictions Usage: Members of the club enjoy various privileges, including
access to the private lounge.
Meaning: Expressing feelings of gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an
unrestrained or heartfelt manner. Synonyms: Gushing, unreserved, demonstrative,
enthusiastic, exuberant Antonyms: Restrained, reserved, apathetic, indifferent
Usage: The award winner gave an effusive speech, thanking everyone who had
supported her.
Meaning: Intended or likely to placate or pacify. Synonyms: Placatory,
appeasing, pacifying, peacemaking, mollifying Antonyms: Antagonistic, defiant,
hostile, confrontational Usage: The manager's conciliatory approach helped to
resolve the conflict between the employees.
Meaning: A warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or
limitations. Synonyms: Warning, caution, admonition, stipulation, condition
Antonyms: Approval, sanction, encouragement, endorsement Usage: The contract
included a caveat that the work must be completed within six months.
Meaning: An alliance for combined action, especially a temporary alliance of
political parties. Synonyms: Alliance, union, partnership, bloc, federation
Antonyms: Disunion, division, separation, opposition Usage: The coalition
government was formed to address the pressing issues that no single party could
tackle alone.
Meaning: Agreement by all people involved; consensus. Synonyms: Consensus,
accord, agreement, harmony, concurrence Antonyms: Disagreement, discord,
conflict, dissent Usage: The committee reached unanimity on the decision to
implement the new policy.
Meaning: The process of gradually wearing away. Synonyms: Wearing away,
degradation, deterioration, attrition, corrosion Antonyms: Buildup,
accumulation, strengthening, preservation Usage: The constant erosion of trust
in the government has led to widespread public discontent.
Meaning: Discussions aimed at gaining advice or opinions. Synonyms:
Discussions, deliberations, conferences, meetings, talks Antonyms: Silence,
ignorance, neglect, disregard Usage: The company held several consultations
with stakeholders before finalizing the project plan
Meaning: The impact or effect of something. Synonyms: Impact, effect,
influence, mark, presence Antonyms: Absence, neglect, insignificance, void
Usage: The new manufacturing plant left a significant environmental footprint
in the region.
Meaning: An official order or commission to do something; the authority granted
by a constituency to act as its representative. Synonyms: Authority,
commission, directive, command, instruction Antonyms: Refusal, denial, veto,
disapproval Usage: The newly elected government received a strong mandate from
the voters to implement its policies.
Political approach aiming to appeal to ordinary people who feel their concerns
are disregarded by established elite groups. Synonyms: Demagogy, popularism
Antonyms: Elitism, aristocracy Usage: Obrador's populism included cash handouts
for the elderly.
The action of making something look or feel better, younger, or more vital.
Synonyms: Revitalization, renewal Antonyms: Decline, deterioration Usage:
Morena stands for the Movement of National Rejuvenation.
Putting something in danger of loss or harm. Synonyms: Endangering, risking
Antonyms: Securing, safeguarding Usage: Obrador implemented social programs
without jeopardising economic stability.
Dealing with things sensibly and realistically based on practical
considerations. Synonyms: Practical, realistic Antonyms: Idealistic,
impractical Usage: Obrador adopted a pragmatic approach to governance
A requirement for a proposal to gain a higher level of support than a simple
50%+1 majority. Synonyms: Qualified majority, enhanced majority Antonyms:
Simple majority, minority Usage: Morena secured a supermajority in Parliament
The principles or practices of a welfare state, where the government plays a
key role in protecting and promoting the economic and social well-being of its
citizens. Synonyms: Social security, welfare state Antonyms: Laissez-faire,
capitalism Usage: Sheinbaum aims to enhance Obrador's welfarism with stronger
social democracy
The process of replanting an area with trees. Synonyms: Afforestation, tree
planting Antonyms: Deforestation, clear-cutting Usage: Obrador launched
reforestation grants in rural areas.
The expression or holding of opinions at variance with those previously,
commonly, or officially held. Synonyms: Disagreement, opposition Antonyms:
Agreement, concurrence Usage: Obrador faced criticism for his intolerance
towards dissent
Notoriety ● Meaning: The state of being famous or well known for some bad
quality or deed. ●Synonyms: Infamy, disrepute, ill fame ●Antonyms: Anonymity,
obscurity, honor ●Usage: The politician gained notoriety for his involvement in
the corruption scandal.
●Static ●
Meaning: Lacking in movement, action, or change. ●Synonyms: Unchanging, still,
stationary ●Antonyms: Dynamic, active, moving ●Usage: The static nature of the
economy has led to widespread unemployment.
● Meaning: Gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity.
●Synonyms: Collects, amasses, gathers ●Antonyms: Disperses, scatters,
dissipates ●Usage: Over the years, he accumulated a vast collection of rare
●Meaning: Give (someone) authority to act in a certain way. ●Synonyms:
Authorized, directed, commanded ●Antonyms: Forbidden, prohibited, disallowed
●Usage: The new policy was mandated by the government to improve public health.
●Meaning: Marked by periods of varied fortune or discreditable incidents.
●Synonyms: Varied, erratic, turbulent ●Antonyms: Unblemished, consistent,
smooth ●Usage: His career has been chequered by both great successes and major
● Meaning: Outstandingly bad; shocking. ●Synonyms: Appalling, atrocious,
flagrant ●Antonyms: Minor, trivial, slight ●Usage: The company's egregious
disregard for environmental regulations led to hefty fines.
● Meaning: A person authorized to act on behalf of another. ●Synonyms:
Representatives, delegates, agents ●Antonyms: Principals, individuals ●Usage:
She attended the meeting as a proxy for her boss.
● Meaning: Occurring or done before the usual or proper time. ●Synonyms: Early,
untimely, hasty ●Antonyms: Late, delayed, overdue ●Usage: The premature
announcement caused a lot of confusion among the staff.
● Meaning: The quality or state of being incorrect or wrong. ●Synonyms: Errors,
mistakes, inaccuracies ●Antonyms: Accuracies, correctness, precision ●Usage:
The report was full of inaccuracies and had to be revised.
High-handedness ● Meaning: Using power or authority without considering the
feelings of others. ●Synonyms: Authoritarianism, arrogance, imperiousness
●Antonyms: Humility, respectfulness, consideration ●Usage: The manager's
high-handedness led to widespread dissatisfaction among the employees.
● Meaning: Critical observation or examination. ●Synonyms: Inspection,
examination, analysis ●Antonyms: Neglect, disregard, overlook ●Usage: The
company's financial records came under close scrutiny by the auditors.
Meaning: Ceasing to develop, becoming inactive or dull. Synonyms: Idle,
languishing, dormant. Antonyms: Flourishing, thriving, progressing. Usage: The
stagnating popularity of Prime Minister Narendra Modi was noted in the survey.
Meaning: The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
Synonyms: Endurance, fortitude, tenacity. Antonyms: Fragility, vulnerability,
weakness. Usage: The resilience of regional parties contributed to the reduced
majority of the NDA.
Meaning: The action or process of making someone or something look or feel
better, younger, or more vital. Synonyms: Revitalization, renewal, revival.
Antonyms: Decline, degeneration, deterioration. Usage: The rejuvenation of the
Congress party was a significant factor in the election results.
Meaning: Treated as insignificant or peripheral. Synonyms: Disregarded,
sidelined, excluded. Antonyms: Included, integrated, mainstreamed. Usage:
Hindutva's appeal faded for marginalised sections in the Hindi heartland.
Meaning: All the people in a country or area who are entitled to vote in an
election. Synonyms: Voters, constituents, populace. Antonyms: Nonvoters,
disenfranchised. Usage: Unemployment and price rise were key issues for a
majority of the electorate.
Meaning: To play or run about happily. Synonyms: Frolic, skip, cavort.
Antonyms: Struggle, trudge, plod. Usage: The BJP romped home with 303 seats in
the previous Lok Sabha election.
Meaning: Occupation of a position of dominant power or influence. Synonyms:
Dominance, supremacy, ascendancy. Antonyms: Decline, subordination, descent.
Usage: The BJP’s ascendance in Odisha and Telangana was noted.
Meaning: A thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something
or someone. Synonyms: Obstacle, impediment, barrier. Antonyms: Aid, assistance,
support. Usage: The NDA’s strong social coalition proved a hindrance in
converting votes into more seats.
Meaning: Concentrating control of an activity or organization under a single
authority. Synonyms: Consolidating, unifying, concentrating. Antonyms:
Decentralizing, dispersing, diffusing. Usage: The opposition must offer a
contrast to the centralising nature of the BJP.
Meaning: Indecisive actions or behavior. Synonyms: Hesitations, fluctuations,
wavering, irresolution. Antonyms: Decisiveness, determination, resolve,
steadiness. Usage: The company’s vacillations over the new policy caused
confusion among employees.
Meaning: A long period without a win or success. Synonym: Dry spell, scarcity
Antonym: Abundance, surplus Usage: India's long drought in ICC tournaments
finally wound to a close on a glorious Saturday.
Meaning: Enormous, huge. Synonym: Immense, colossal Antonym: Tiny, minute
Usage: Expectations thrust upon by a gargantuan fandom and an Indian diaspora.
Meaning: Brave and persistent. Synonym: Fearless, resolute Antonym: Cowardly,
fearful Usage: Rohit Sharma’s men snatched a seven-run win over a doughty South
African unit.
Meaning: Extremely impressive. Synonym: Amazing, phenomenal Antonym: Ordinary,
unimpressive Usage: Suryakumar Yadav pouched a stupendous catch.
Meaning: Sudden and powerful actions or occurrences. Synonym: Strikes, blasts
Antonym: Calms, lulls Usage: Jasprit Bumrah delivered thunderbolts that left
the South Africans dumbstruck.
Meaning: The action of surrendering. Synonym: Surrender, yield Antonym:
Resistance, defiance Usage: Their capitulation was an acknowledgment of the
superior attributes that Bumrah and company possessed.
Meaning: Making a certain situation or outcome likely. Synonym: Favorable,
advantageous Antonym: Unfavorable, disadvantageous Usage: The pitches were
never conducive for the massive sixes associated with T20Is
Meaning: Completely removing or destroying something. Synonym: Eliminating,
abolishing. Antonym: Preserving, maintaining. Usage: Scientists are focused on
eradicating malaria from the continent.
Meaning: Regularly found and restricted to a particular area. Synonym: Native,
local. Antonym: Foreign, non-native. Usage: Malaria is endemic to tropical
Meaning: An increase or revival after a period of little activity. Synonym:
Revival, comeback. Antonym: Decline, wane. Usage: There has been a resurgence
of interest in vinyl records.
Meaning: The occurrence, rate, or frequency of a disease. Synonym: Occurrence,
frequency. Antonym: Rarity, infrequency. Usage: The incidence of flu increases
during winter.
Meaning: Movement to and fro or around something. Synonym: Flow, movement.
Antonym: Stagnation, stillness. Usage: The circulation of blood is essential
for life
Meaning: Having been made immune to a disease, typically through vaccination.
Synonym: Vaccinated, inoculated. Antonym: Unvaccinated, susceptible. Usage: The
children were immunised against measles.
Meaning: To expel someone from a property. Synonym: Expelled, removed. Antonym:
Welcomed, admitted. Usage: The tenants were evicted for not paying rent.
Take a
toll Meaning: To cause harm or suffering. Mount an aggressive critique Meaning:
To launch a strong and forceful criticism. Cross swords Meaning: To have an
argument or dispute. Heightened risk Meaning: An increased level of danger. Act
as an effective restraint Meaning: To prevent or control something effectively
Meaning: Basic or undeveloped. Synonym: Elementary, Primitive Antonym:
Advanced, Developed Usage Sentence: His understanding of the subject is still
rudimentary and needs further development.
Meaning: A level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society. Synonym:
Rank, Tier Antonym: None (context-specific term) Usage Sentence: She quickly
moved up the echelons of the company due to her hard work and dedication.
Meaning: To take the place of (a person or thing previously in authority or
use); to replace. Synonym: Replace, Succeed Antonym: Retain, Keep Usage
Sentence: The new manager will supersede the previous one next month
Meaning: A group of people sharing a common profession or interests. Synonym:
Brotherhood, Association Antonym: Individual, Loneliness Usage Sentence: The
medical fraternity gathered for the annual conference to discuss new
Meaning: Not discovered or known about; uncertain. Synonym: Unclear, Unknown
Antonym: Clear, Obvious Usage Sentence: The origins of the ancient manuscript
remain obscure.
Meaning: Portions or segments of a larger amount or series. Synonym: Sections,
Portions Antonym: Whole, Total Usage Sentence: The company released the funding
in several tranches to ensure proper utilization.
Meaning: Appearing as a shadowy form, especially one that is large or
threatening. Synonym: Impending, Threatening Antonym: Distant, Remote Usage
Sentence: There is a looming deadline that we must meet to complete the project
on time.
Meaning: A sudden panicked rush of a number of people or animals. Synonym:
Rush, panic Antonym: Calm, orderly movement Usage: The unexpected fire alarm
caused a stampede in the auditorium.
Meaning: A gathering or collection of people, animals, or things. Synonym:
Assembly, gathering Antonym: Dispersion, scattering Usage: The congregation at
the church prayed for peace.
Meaning: Exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either
physically or emotionally. Synonym: Susceptible, defenseless Antonym:
Protected, strong Usage: Children are particularly vulnerable to disease.
Meaning: Comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness. Synonym:
Comfort, consolation Antonym: Distress, anguish Usage: She found solace in her
friends after the loss of her pet.
Meaning: Creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen
rather than responding to it after it has happened. Synonym: Preemptive,
anticipatory Antonym: Reactive, passive Usage: The company took a proactive
approach to customer service.
Meaning: Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties. Synonym:
Watchful, alert Antonym: Negligent, inattentive Usage: The guards remained
vigilant throughout the night.
Meaning: Strict, precise, and exacting. Synonym: Strict, rigorous Antonym:
Lenient, flexible Usage: The school has stringent rules regarding uniform.
Meaning: Something, typically money, awarded to someone in recognition of loss,
suffering, or injury. Synonym: Reparation, reimbursement Antonym: Penalty,
forfeiture Usage: The company offered compensation for the damages caused.
Meaning: The means or resources necessary to do something. Synonym: Means,
resources Antonym: Lack, deficiency Usage: He didn't have the wherewithal to
buy a new car.
Meaning: Extremely intense or severe. Synonym: Scorching, blistering. Antonym:
Mild, gentle. Usage: The searing heat of the desert was unbearable.
Meaning: A person making their first appearance in a specific capacity or role.
Synonym: Newcomer, novice. Antonym: Veteran, expert. Usage: The debutant actor
received a standing ovation for his performance.
Meaning: Of considerable importance, size, or worth. Synonym: Significant,
considerable. Antonym: Insignificant, trivial. Usage: The charity received a
substantial donation from an anonymous benefactor.
Meaning: Made worse or more severe. Synonym: Aggravated, intensified. Antonym:
Alleviated, mitigated. Usage: The heavy rain exacerbated the flooding in the
Meaning: Although; even though. Synonym: Though, even if. Antonym: However,
yet. Usage: The project was completed on time, albeit with some difficulties.
Meaning: Replaced or taken the place of. Synonym: Displaced, succeeded.
Antonym: Retained, upheld. Usage: New technology has supplanted traditional
methods of communication.
De facto
Meaning: In fact, whether by right or not. Synonym: In practice, actual.
Antonym: De jure, official. Usage: He became the de facto leader of the group
after the former leader stepped down.
Meaning: Occurred or happened. Synonym: Happened, ensued. Antonym: Ceased,
halted. Usage: It transpired that the meeting had been postponed.
Meaning: Loud, aggressive, or indignant talk with little effect. Synonym: Rant,
braggadocio. Antonym: Silence, humility. Usage: His bluster did nothing to
resolve the situation.
Meaning: A fierce or destructive attack. Synonym: Assault, attack Antonym:
Defense, protection Usage: The onslaught of criticism left the politician
Meaning: Arranged or existing for the present, possibly to be changed later.
Synonym: Temporary, interim Antonym: Permanent, definite Usage: The committee
made a provisional decision to be reviewed next month.
Meaning: Reduced the speed or rate of something. Synonym: Slowed down,
decreased Antonym: Accelerated, increased Usage: The car decelerated as it
approached the traffic light.
Meaning: The process of becoming smaller. Synonym: Reduction, shrinking
Antonym: Expansion, growth Usage: The contraction of the economy was evident in
the reduced consumer spending.
Meaning: Physical or mental weakness. Synonym: Weakness, frailty Antonym:
Strength, robustness Usage: Despite his age and infirmity, he maintained a
positive outlook on life
Meaning: Cheerful and optimistic. Synonym: Upbeat, positive Antonym: Depressed,
pessimistic Usage: The team remained buoyant despite the challenges they faced.
Meaning: The action of making or becoming more intense. Synonym: Escalation,
increase Antonym: Reduction, decrease Usage: The intensification of the
conflict led to widespread displacement.
Meaning: To confirm again; to assert again. Synonyms: Restate, reiterate,
validate. Antonyms: Deny, retract, negate. Usage: The committee reaffirmed its
commitment to the new policies.
Meaning: The period during which someone holds a position or office. Synonyms:
Term, incumbency, period. Antonyms: Unemployment, absence, inactivity. Usage:
During his tenure as mayor, he implemented several key reforms.
Meaning: Pointing out; showing. Synonyms: Signifying, denoting, revealing.
Antonyms: Concealing, hiding, obscuring. Usage: The sudden drop in temperature
was indicating a coming storm.
Meaning: A meeting between heads of government. Synonyms: Conference, meeting,
assembly. Antonyms: Isolation, separation, distance. Usage: The leaders met at
the summit to discuss climate change initiatives.
Meaning: To move or act quickly; to accelerate. Synonyms: Accelerate, expedite,
speed up. Antonyms: Delay, hinder, slow down. Usage: They are working to hasten
the delivery of the project.
Meaning: Lasting over a long period of time. Synonyms: Lasting, permanent,
long-lasting. Antonyms: Temporary, fleeting, transient. Usage: Their enduring
friendship has survived many challenges.
Meaning: To express strong disapproval of. Synonyms: Denounce, criticize,
censure. Antonyms: Praise, approve, endorse. Usage: The government was quick to
condemn the violence.
Meaning: A high or elevated position. Synonyms: Position, stance, standpoint.
Antonyms: Low, base, bottom. Usage: From his perch on the hill, he could see
the entire valley.
Meaning: The profession, activity, or skill of managing international
relations. Synonyms: Negotiation, tact, statecraft. Antonyms: Impoliteness,
rudeness, bluntness. Usage: Effective diplomacy was crucial in preventing the
Break a
tradition Meaning: To do something in a different way than it has been done in
the past. Take stock of Meaning: To review or make an overall assessment of a
particular situation. Make headway Meaning: To make progress or move forward
with something. Send a message Meaning: To convey a significant point or stance
through actions
up ●Meaning: Increased in amount, speed, or intensity. ●Take a cue from
●Meaning: To follow the example or advice of someone.
Play the
blame game Meaning: To accuse others of being responsible for a problem rather
than trying to resolve it. Stock response Meaning: A standard or typical reply.
Shy away from Meaning: To avoid something that you fear or do not feel
confident about. Lead to Meaning: To result in or cause.
Flock to
Meaning: To go to a place in large numbers. Bid by Meaning: Attempt or try.
Take steps Meaning: To take action in order to achieve something. Bear the cost
Meaning: To pay for something. Leave the site Meaning: To depart from a
Come into
force Meaning: To begin to apply or be used. Bring up to speed Meaning: To
update someone on the latest information or developments. Fumble their way
towards Meaning: To proceed clumsily or ineffectively towards a goal. Brought
into force Meaning: To implement or start using a law, rule, or regulation.
Come out of this trap Meaning: To escape from a difficult or problematic
Step into
Meaning: To assume a position or role. Snatched a win Meaning: To take or win
something suddenly or unexpectedly. Fall in place Meaning: To go as planned or
expected. Run into Meaning: To encounter someone or something unexpectedly. Bow
out Meaning: To leave a job or stop an activity, usually after a long time.
Seize the game
Meaning: Indecisive actions or behavior. Synonyms: Hesitations, fluctuations,
wavering, irresolution. Antonyms: Decisiveness, determination, resolve,
steadiness. Usage: The company’s vacillations over the new policy caused
confusion among employees.
Meaning: Not yielding in strength, severity, or determination. Synonyms:
Persistent, relentless, inexorable. Antonyms: Yielding, lenient, merciful.
Usage: The unrelenting heat wave caused severe discomfort and health issues.
Meaning: Following in a logical order or sequence. Synonyms: Consecutive,
successive, ordered. Antonyms: Random, unordered, disjointed. Usage: The events
in the story are presented in a sequential manner.
Meaning: Causing intense pain or damage; severe. Synonyms: Harsh, severe,
punishing. Antonyms: Mild, gentle, lenient. Usage: The team faced a bruising
defeat in the final match.
Meaning: A delay or gap in time. Synonyms: Delay, lapse, interval. Antonyms:
Continuity, promptness, immediacy. Usage: There was a noticeable lag between
the announcement and its implementation
Meaning: Increasing rapidly. Synonyms: Intensifying, rising, mounting.
Antonyms: Decreasing, declining, diminishing. Usage: The escalating tensions
between the two countries are a cause for concern.
Meaning: A component part of something. Synonyms: Component, element,
ingredient. Antonyms: Whole, entirety, totality. Usage: Water is a major
constituent of the human body.
Meaning: Many and varied. Synonyms: Numerous, multiple, diverse. Antonyms:
Singular, one, uniform. Usage: The project has manifold challenges that need to
be addressed.
Meaning: A reduction in intensity or severity. Synonyms: Abatement, respite,
lull. Antonyms: Intensification, increase, escalation. Usage: There was no
let-up in the storm as it continued to rage through the night.
Feeling the heat - Experiencing pressure or stress. Led the charge - Took the
lead or initiative in a particular effort. Pointing to more pain ahead -
Indicating or suggesting difficulties in the future.
VERBS Hover above - To remain at or near a particular level. Log gains - To
record or achieve an increase. Contain prices - To control or limit the
increase of prices. Drop their guard - To become less careful or vigilant.
Meaning: Formally inaugurated into office through an official ceremony.
Synonyms: Inducted, inaugurated, installed. Antonyms: Dismissed, removed.
Usage: The newly elected president was sworn-in during an elaborate ceremony.
Meaning: Preventing someone from accomplishing something. Synonyms: Foiling,
obstructing, hindering. Antonyms: Assisting, facilitating. Usage: The police
thwarted the bank robbery with their timely intervention.
Meaning: The act of rising to an important position or higher level. Synonyms:
Rise, elevation, advancement. Antonyms: Decline, descent. Usage: His ascension
to the presidency marked a significant change in the company's direction.
Meaning: Showing great care, attention, and effort. Synonyms: Diligence,
industriousness, perseverance. Antonyms: Negligence, carelessness. Usage: Her
assiduousness in her studies earned her top honors at graduation.
Meaning: Lacking direction, control, or purpose. Synonyms: Aimless,
directionless, unanchored. Antonyms: Purposeful, directed. Usage: Without a
clear strategy, the organization felt rudderless.
heel Meaning: A weak or vulnerable point. Synonyms: Weakness, flaw,
vulnerability. Antonyms: Strength, advantage. Usage: His inability to delegate
tasks was his Achilles heel as a manager.
Meaning: Cheerful friendliness or geniality. Synonyms: Amiability, geniality,
friendliness. Antonyms: Hostility, unfriendliness. Usage: The bonhomie at the
reunion was palpable, with everyone in high spirits.
Meaning: The way in which an event or course of action is perceived by the
public. Synonyms: Perception, image, appearance. Antonyms: Reality, substance
(contextdependent). Usage: The optics of the decision were carefully managed to
ensure public approval.
Meaning: The process of varying something or a range of products. Synonyms:
Variegation, assortment, variation. Antonyms: Specialization, uniformity.
Usage: The company pursued diversification to mitigate risks associated with
relying on a single product line.
Meaning: Pertaining to different communities, often referring to tensions or
conflicts between them. Synonyms: Shared, collective, public. Antonyms:
Individual, private. Usage: The communal violence left a lasting impact on the
Meaning: To forbid, especially by law. Synonyms: Forbid, prohibit, ban, outlaw,
interdict. Antonyms: Allow, permit, authorize, sanction. Usage: The government
decided to proscribe the dangerous substance to ensure public safety.
Meaning: Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
Synonyms: Bias, preconception, partiality, predisposition. Antonyms:
Impartiality, fairness, neutrality, objectivity. Usage: His prejudice against
people of different cultures made it difficult for him to work in a diverse
Meaning: To converse or talk together, usually with profound intensity.
Synonyms: Converse, talk, discuss, communicate, confer. Antonyms: Silence,
ignore, disregard, neglect. Usage: They would often commune late into the
night, sharing their deepest thoughts and feelings.
Meaning: Maintaining or supporting in the face of possible opposition.
Synonyms: Maintaining, sustaining, supporting, defending. Antonyms: Abandoning,
rejecting, disavowing, forsaking. Usage: The judge was committed to upholding
the principles of justice and fairness.
Meaning: An earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to
be considered in subsequent similar circumstances. Synonyms: Examples, models,
standards, archetypes. Antonyms: Outcomes, results (as in lacking precedent),
novelties. Usage: The lawyer cited several legal precedents to strengthen his
Meaning: A subtle or subsidiary quality, implication, or connotation. Synonyms:
Nuances, undertones, implications, suggestions. Antonyms: Directness,
bluntness, straightforwardness. Usage: The speech had patriotic overtones that
resonated with the audience.
Meaning: Denoting or concerning a sect or sects. Synonyms: Factional, partisan,
denominational, divisive. Antonyms: Nonpartisan, inclusive, ecumenical,
universal. Usage: The conflict was largely sectarian, driven by religious
Meaning: Oversimplified and fixed ideas about a particular group of people.
Synonyms: Generalizing, pigeonholing, categorizing, labeling. Antonyms:
Individualizing, diversifying, differentiating. Usage: Stereotyping can lead to
unfair treatment and discrimination against individuals.
Meaning: Gratifying or indulging an immoral or distasteful desire, need, or
habit. Synonyms: Indulging, gratifying, catering to, appeasing. Antonyms:
Opposing, resisting, condemning, criticizing. Usage: The politician was accused
of pandering to the basest instincts of the electorate to win votes.
Meaning: The money or other means needed for a particular purpose. Synonyms:
Means, resources, funds, assets, capital. Antonyms: Inadequacy, insufficiency,
deficit, poverty. Usage: They lacked the wherewithal to complete the project
and had to seek additional funding.
Held to ransom - Forced to comply with someone's demands under threat. Under
the scanner - Being closely examined or scrutinized.
Meaning: Granted or given as appropriate. Synonyms: Granted, bestowed,
conferred, allotted. Antonyms: Denied, withheld, refused, deprived. Usage: He
was accorded the highest honor for his bravery.
Meaning: Incomplete; not fully developed or achieved. Synonyms: Incomplete,
pending, uncompleted, ongoing. Antonyms: Finished, completed, concluded,
finalized. Usage: The project remains unfinished due to a lack of funding.
Meaning: To imbue something with new life and vitality. Synonyms: Renew,
rejuvenate, restore, refresh. Antonyms: Deplete, exhaust, drain, diminish.
Usage: The new CEO aims to revitalise the company’s image.
Meaning: A person who held a job or office before the current holder. Synonyms:
Forerunner, antecedent, precursor, former holder. Antonyms: Successor,
inheritor, follower, descendant. Usage: The new manager is more approachable
than her predecessor.
Meaning: Harm or damage. Synonyms: Harm, injury, damage, loss. Antonyms:
Benefit, advantage, gain, profit. Usage: Smoking is a detriment to health.
Meaning: Something that discourages or reduces enthusiasm. Synonyms:
Discouragement, disincentive, deterrent, damper. Antonyms: Encouragement,
incentive, motivation, booster. Usage: The bad weather put a dampener on our
plans for a picnic.
Meaning: Supporting or favoring the interests of corporations. Synonyms:
Corporate-friendly, business-friendly, industry-supporting. Antonyms:
Anti-corporate, pro-labor, workerfriendly. Usage: His pro-corporate policies
have been criticized by labor unions
Meaning: The process of becoming visible or coming into existence. Synonyms:
Appearance, rise, advent, development. Antonyms: Disappearance, decline,
vanishing, submergence. Usage: The emergence of new technologies has changed
the job market
Meaning: Expressing praise or admiration. Synonyms: Praising, commending,
lauding, applauding. Antonyms: Criticizing, condemning, disparaging, insulting.
Usage: He was always complimenting her on her culinary skills.
Meaning: Relating to a system, especially as opposed to a particular part.
Synonyms: Structural, comprehensive, overarching, integrative. Antonyms:
Localized, isolated, specific, partial. Usage: The issue requires a systemic
approach to be effectively addressed.
Meaning: Capable of being maintained over the long term without harming the
environment. Synonyms: Renewable, enduring, maintainable, viable. Antonyms:
Unsustainable, short-term, nonviable, depleting. Usage: Sustainable development
is crucial for the future of our planet.
Meaning: Requiring immediate attention; urgent. Synonyms: Urgent, critical,
imperative, vital. Antonyms: Trivial, insignificant, minor, negligible. Usage:
The most pressing issue is the need for immediate medical supplies.
Bringing to an end - To stop or conclude something. Example: "The
expectation is that this will bring to an end the vacillations over several
policy decisions..." Make good his promise - To fulfill or accomplish what
one has promised. Example: "He must now make good his promise to Andhra’s
Verbs: Taken oath - To formally swear or affirm to undertake a duty. Accorded
to - To give or grant someone (status, rights, or privileges). Flip flops - To
change one's opinion or position frequently. Reeling from - To be in a state of
shock or confusion as a result of something. Make good - To succeed or
accomplish something.
Meaning: Official permission or approval for an action. Synonyms: Approval,
authorization, consent. Antonyms: Prohibition, refusal, denial. Usage:
"The grant of sanction to prosecute writeractivist Arundhati Roy and
academician Sheikh Showkat Hussain is unwarranted."
Meaning: Not justified or authorized. Synonyms: Unjustified, groundless,
unnecessary. Antonyms: Justified, necessary, warranted. Usage: "The
prosecution is unwarranted."
Meaning: Tending to cause disagreement or hostility between people. Synonyms:
Disruptive, alienating, contentious. Antonyms: Unifying, harmonious,
integrative. Usage: "Allegedly divisive speeches and imputations against
national unity."
Meaning: Accusations or charges. Synonyms: Allegations, accusations,
ascriptions. Antonyms: Exonerations, defenses, vindications. Usage:
"Imputations against national unity."
Meaning: Used to convey that what is asserted is very likely though not known
for certain. Synonyms: Supposedly, likely, probably. Antonyms: Unlikely,
improbably, doubtfully. Usage: "Presumably, on behalf of the Central
Meaning: Convenient and practical, although possibly improper or immoral.
Synonyms: Convenient, advantageous, beneficial. Antonyms: Inconvenient,
disadvantageous, detrimental. Usage: "The present regime has found it
expedient to do so.
Meaning: Put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger
of loss, harm, or failure. Synonyms: Endanger, risk, threaten. Antonyms:
Protect, safeguard, secure. Usage: "The Centre did not want to jeopardise
efforts to find a solution to the Kashmir problem."
Meaning: The action or process of instigating an action or event. Synonyms:
Incitement, provocation, initiation. Antonyms: Deterrence, prevention,
suppression. Usage: "In the absence of a call to arms or instigation of
& PHRASAL VERBS Crackdown on - Severe measures to restrict or discourage
undesirable or illegal people or behavior. Call to arms - A demand or request
for people to take action, often used in a context of mobilizing support for a
cause. Give nod to - Approve or agree to something. Pressed for - Insisted on
or demanded something with urgency.
Meaning: Decreased sharply. Synonyms: Plummeted, dropped, declined. Antonyms:
Rose, increased, soared. Usage: "India’s merchandise exports tanked 3.1%
to around $437 billion."
Meaning: Directed or moving outward or away from a place. Synonyms: Departing,
outgoing. Antonyms: Inbound, incoming. Usage: "The last two months have
recorded an expansion in outbound shipments."
Meaning: Favoring aggressive policies, especially in economic or political
contexts. Synonyms: Aggressive, hardline. Antonyms: Dovish, lenient. Usage:
"The European Central Bank slashing interest rates this month after a long
hawkish stance post-COVID-19."
Shore up
Meaning: To support or strengthen. Synonyms: Bolster, reinforce. Antonyms:
Undermine, weaken. Usage: "Help shore up demand for their produce."
Meaning: Moderated or controlled. Synonyms: Calmed, moderated. Antonyms:
Exacerbated, intensified. Usage: "Those hopes need to be tempered."
Meaning: Performed better than others. Synonyms: Surpassed, excelled. Antonyms:
Underperformed, lagged. Usage: "Outperformed last May’s export tallies
this year."
Meaning: Causing concern or anxiety. Synonyms: Alarmingly, distressingly.
Antonyms: Comfortingly, reassuringly. Usage: "Worryingly, spice shipments
slipped by a sharp 20.3%.
Meaning: A common or overused theme or device. Synonyms: Cliché, stereotype,
motif Antonyms: Originality, novelty, innovation Usage: The old trope of
"West vs the Rest" was being reconsidered at the summit.
Meaning: The act of reaching out to a broader audience or community. Synonyms:
Engagement, connection, interaction Antonyms: Isolation, withdrawal, detachment
Usage: The G-7 Outreach Summit aimed to include more Global South countries.
Meaning: Important or distinguished people. Synonyms: Dignitaries, luminaries,
VIPs Antonyms: Nobodies, unknowns, nonentities Usage: BRICS notables such as
Brazil, India, and the UAE were invited.
Meaning: To commit again to a cause or task. Synonyms: Reaffirm, renew, pledge
Antonyms: Renounce, retract, withdraw Usage: The G-7 recommitted to several
infrastructure corridors
Meaning: Characterized by constant change, activity, or progress. Synonyms:
Energetic, vibrant, vigorous Antonyms: Static, inactive, lethargic Usage: The
G-7 was once hailed as a dynamic group of developed democracies.
Meaning: Involving two parties, especially countries. Synonyms: Mutual,
reciprocal, two-sided Antonyms: Unilateral, one-sided, singular Usage: Formal
bilaterals with important partners were not materialized.
Meaning: To utilize or make use of. Synonyms: Utilize, employ, exploit
Antonyms: Waste, misuse, neglect Usage: Mr. Modi focused on harnessing
technology and artificial intelligence.
Meaning: The worst part or chief impact of a specified thing. Synonyms: Impact,
force, burden Antonyms: Relief, ease, alleviation Usage: The coastal areas bore
the brunt of the hurricane.
Meaning: Slow-moving or inactive. Synonyms: Lethargic, slow, inactive Antonyms:
Energetic, active, lively Usage: The sluggish economy showed no signs of
Meaning: A pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process. Synonyms: Break,
interval, pause Antonyms: Continuation, continuity Usage: The TV show went on
hiatus after the third season.
Meaning: Made worse. Synonyms: Aggravated, worsened, intensified Antonyms:
Alleviated, reduced, mitigated Usage: His angry comments only exacerbated the
Meaning: the whole. Synonyms: Entirely, completely, comprehensively Antonyms:
Partially, incompletely Usage: The problem should be addressed holistically
rather than in isolation.
Meaning: The action of stealing things of little value. Synonyms: Theft,
stealing, thievery Antonyms: Return, giving, donation Usage: The store has a
high rate of pilferage.
Meaning: A required or allowed amount, especially an amount of money legally
payable in damages. Synonyms: Amount, quantity, portion Antonyms: Fraction,
part Usage: The quantum of evidence required for a conviction is high.
Meaning: Increased suddenly and powerfully. Synonyms: Rushed, increased, rose
Antonyms: Declined, decreased, fell Usage: The crowd surged forward when the
doors opened.
- A decision by a court or judge. Synonyms: Verdict, decision, ruling Antonyms:
Indecision, indecisiveness Usage: The court’s judgment was final.
- A system of allocating a certain percentage of seats or opportunities for
specific groups. Synonyms: Quota, allotment, allocation Antonyms: Free
competition, open competition Usage: The reservation for backward classes is
set at 18%.
Quota - A
fixed share or portion. Synonyms: Share, portion, allowance Antonyms: Whole,
entirety Usage: The quota for Scheduled Tribes was increased.
- An introductory statement. Synonyms: Introduction, preface, prologue
Antonyms: Conclusion, ending, epilogue Usage: The preamble of the law explains
its purpose.
- Corresponding in size or amount to something else. Synonyms: Comparable,
equivalent, commensurate Antonyms: Disproportionate, unequal, unbalanced Usage:
The benefits should be proportionate to the efforts.
Zealous -
Showing great energy or enthusiasm. Synonyms: Enthusiastic, fervent, passionate
Antonyms: Indifferent, apathetic, dispassionate Usage: The judge was zealous in
upholding the law.
Stymie -
To hinder or obstruct. Synonyms: Block, thwart, impede Antonyms: Assist, aid,
facilitate Usage: The ruling stymies efforts to expand reservations
Marks yet another instance - Indicates a recurring event or pattern. Inflicted
a huge blow - Caused significant damage or setback. Armed with - Equipped with
the necessary tools or information. Raised the question - Brought up a point
for consideration or debate.
Suo motu
Meaning: On its own motion; an action taken by an authority without a formal
prompting from another party. Synonyms: Spontaneously, automatically Antonyms:
Upon request, after prompting Usage: "It took suo motu action on the basis
of the Home Ministry’s cybercrime team’s inputs.
Meaning: A complete and ignominious failure. Synonyms: Disaster, debacle, flop
Antonyms: Success, triumph, accomplishment Usage: "The Education
Ministry’s actions are in stark contrast to its response to the ongoing NEET
Meaning: Comfort received by a person after a loss or disappointment. Synonyms:
Comfort, solace, relief Antonyms: Agitation, distress, suffering Usage:
"For the over nine lakh UGC-NET candidates, this is little
Meaning: The condition of being transparent; clarity and openness. Synonyms:
Openness, clarity, accountability Antonyms: Opacity, secrecy, obscurity Usage:
"Full transparency is key to any hopes that the NTA can regain
Meaning: A thorough examination and repair. Synonyms: Overhaul, revamp,
renovation Antonyms: Neglect, abandonment Usage: "The government would
also do well to consider a rehaul of the NTA’s systems and personnel."
Meaning: A person authorized to act on behalf of another. Synonyms:
Representative, agent, substitute Antonyms: Principal, original, direct Usage:
"The technical glitches, cheating scams, paper leaks, and proxy candidates
have plagued the exams."
Meaning: Besieged; troubled with difficulties. Synonyms: Beset, harassed,
troubled Antonyms: Supported, untroubled, assisted Usage: "Recovering the
integrity of the beleaguered examination system."
potato Meaning: A controversial or difficult issue. Synonyms: Controversy,
predicament, sticky situation Antonyms: Non-issue, simple matter Usage:
"The testing agency’s woes have become a political hot potato."
Meaning: To expect or predict something Synonyms: Foreseeing, expecting,
predicting Antonyms: Ignoring, disregarding Usage: Anticipating the storm, the
residents took shelter in safe areas.
Meaning: Illegally distilled liquor Synonyms: Moonshine, bootleg, illicit
liquor Antonyms: Legal alcohol, licensed liquor Usage: Several people fell ill
after consuming hooch from an unregulated source.
Meaning: Forbidden by law, rules, or custom Synonyms: Illegal, unlawful,
forbidden Antonyms: Legal, lawful, permitted Usage: The authorities are
cracking down on the illicit trade of narcotics.
Meaning: The number of deaths or casualties arising from a particular cause
Synonyms: Casualty, fatalities, loss Antonyms: Survival, rescue Usage: The toll
from the earthquake was devastating, with many lives lost.
Meaning: The number of deaths or casualties arising from a particular cause
Synonyms: Casualty, fatalities, loss Antonyms: Survival, rescue Usage: The toll
from the earthquake was devastating, with many lives lost.
Meaning: The action of forbidding something, especially by law Synonyms: Ban,
restriction, interdiction Antonyms: Permission, allowance Usage: Prohibition of
alcohol led to the rise of underground distilleries.
Smoking out
fault lines Meaning: To reveal or expose hidden problems or weaknesses.
Bringing the culprits to book Meaning: To hold wrongdoers accountable and
punish them. Go up Meaning: To increase or rise
Act on
Meaning: To take action based on information received. Take action against
Meaning: To initiate steps to address an issue or punish someone. Brought under
the ambit Meaning: To bring within the scope or range of something.
Meaning: A large destructive fire. Synonym: Blaze, inferno. Antonym: Peace,
tranquility. Usage: The ethnic conflagration in Manipur resulted in significant
loss of life and property
Meaning: The practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force
or threats. Synonym: Blackmail, shakedown. Antonym: Donation, offering. Usage:
There has been a rise in extortion and abductions in the Imphal valley.
Meaning: Very weak or slight. Synonym: Flimsy, weak. Antonym: Strong,
substantial. Usage: The Union government has maintained a tenuous peace in
Fig Leaf
Meaning: Something used to cover up an embarrassing or awkward situation.
Synonym: Pretext, cover. Antonym: Exposure, revelation. Usage: The Chief
Minister's power is seen as a fig leaf by the Union government.
Meaning: Wavering between different opinions or actions. Synonym: Indecision,
hesitation. Antonym: Determination, decisiveness. Usage: The Union government’s
vacillation has prolonged the conflict.
Meaning: A position of leadership. Synonym: Control, command. Antonym:
Subordination, followership. Usage: A change in leadership is inevitable at the
helm of Manipur's government.
Flared up
Meaning: To erupt or intensify suddenly. Slow burn Meaning: A situation that
develops gradually. Writing on the wall Meaning: An indication of impending
disaster. Rise above Meaning: To overcome or transcend a difficult situation.
Meaning: General agreement among a group. Synonym: Agreement, unanimity,
accord. Antonym: Disagreement, discord. Usage: The Prime Minister pledged to
govern by consensus.
Meaning: Language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect. Synonym:
Oratory, eloquence. Antonym: Plain speech. Usage: Both sides reiterated their
rhetoric on protecting the Constitution
Meaning: Difficult to find, catch, or achieve. Synonym: Evasive, slippery.
Antonym: Clear, obvious. Usage: Convergence between them on any key question of
governance remains elusive.
Meaning: Engage in argument, typically without major consequences. Synonym:
Quarreled, debated. Antonym: Agreed, concurred. Usage: The NDA and the INDIA
bloc sparred over the selection of the pro tem Speaker.
Meaning: Serving to remove someone's doubts or fears. Synonym: Comforting,
consoling. Antonym: Alarming, worrying. Usage: Modi’s call for consensus can be
a reassuring sign of a healthy democracy.
Meaning: Perceptible by touch; clear and definite. Synonym: Concrete, palpable.
Antonym: Intangible, abstract. Usage: The statement must be translated into
tangible action.
Meaning: A person who takes part in a dialogue or conversation. Synonym:
Speaker, conversationalist. Antonym: Listener. Usage: Rajnath Singh has emerged
as the government’s key interlocutor.
Set for a
face-off Meaning: Ready for a confrontation.
Meaning: Not justified or authorized. Synonym: Unjustified, baseless Antonym:
Justified, warranted Usage: "The arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind
Kejriwal by the CBI in the Delhi excise policy corruption case is unwarranted
and appears tainted by bad faith."
Meaning: Contaminated or polluted, especially in terms of morality or
reputation. Synonym: Corrupted, spoiled Antonym: Pure, untainted Usage:
"The arrest appears tainted by bad faith."
Meaning: A claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong,
typically without proof. Synonym: Accusation, claim Antonym: Fact, proof Usage:
"The allegation that Mr. Kejriwal was a beneficiary as well as a prime
mover behind the controversial excise policy is quite serious."
Meaning: An intervening period of time. Synonym: Interval, break Antonym:
Continuation, persistence Usage: "He has been in custody since March 21,
save for a brief interlude during which he was granted interim bail."
Meaning: To obtain something, especially with effort. Synonym: Obtain, acquire
Antonym: Lose, forfeit Usage: "The controversial excise policy that
allegedly procured windfall profits for favoured liquor manufacturers."
Meaning: Imprisoned or confined. Synonym: Imprisoned, detained Antonym: Freed,
released Usage: "Someone cannot be indefinitely incarcerated in the hope
that a money trail and direct evidence would soon emerge."
Meaning: Adapted for use as a weapon. Synonym: Militarized, armed Antonym:
Disarmed, demilitarized Usage: "The system that has been weaponised by the
current regime to target political opponents."
Meaning: A mark or stain that tarnishes the reputation of something. Synonym:
Stain, blemish Antonym: Honor, purity Usage: The scandal left a blot on his
otherwise impeccable career.
Meaning: An official order issued by a legal authority. Synonym: Order, mandate
Antonym: Request, suggestion Usage: The government issued a decree to implement
new environmental regulations
Meaning: The quality of being based on random choice or personal whim, rather
than any reason or system. Synonym: Randomness, unpredictability Antonym:
Consistency, fairness Usage: The arbitrariness of the decisions led to
widespread dissatisfaction.
Meaning: Excessively harsh and severe. Synonym: Harsh, severe Antonym: Lenient,
mild Usage: The new law was criticized for being too draconian.
Meaning: To recur persistently to the consciousness of (someone); to remain
with someone. Synonym: Torment, trouble Antonym: Comfort, reassure Usage: The
memories of the war continued to haunt the survivors.
Meaning: A cunning plan or action designed to turn a situation to one's own
advantage. Synonym: Tactic, strategy Antonym: Blunder, mistake Usage: The
company's ploy to attract customers with discounts worked effectively
Meaning: To form a unified whole. Synonym: Unite, integrate Antonym: Separate,
disband Usage: The team needed to cohere to achieve their common goal.
Meaning: To suppress or restrain. Synonym: Suppress, restrain Antonym:
Encourage, release Usage: The government attempted to stifle dissent by
controlling the media.
AND PHRASAL VERBS Blot on the history: Meaning: A mark of shame or disgrace in
history. Lip service: Meaning: Insincere expression of respect, loyalty, or
support. Imposed on: Meaning: To establish or apply by authority. Read out:
Meaning: To read aloud. Move on from: Meaning: To progress beyond a particular
event or period.
Meaning: To come together or assemble, usually for some public purpose.
Synonyms: Assembled, gathered, summoned Antonyms: Dispersed, disbanded Usage:
The GST Council was convened last week for the first time in nearly nine
Meaning: Adjusted or corrected to improve efficiency or accuracy. Synonyms:
Adjusted, modified, recalculated Antonyms: Disorganized, destabilized Usage:
The Council began afresh with a loaded agenda of clarifications, tweaks,
forbearances, and other procedural changes.
Meaning: The action of refraining from exercising a legal right, especially
enforcing the payment of a debt. Synonyms: Tolerances, patience, leniencies
Antonyms: Enforcements, demands Usage: The Council began afresh with a loaded
agenda of clarifications, tweaks, forbearances, and other procedural changes.
Meaning: General agreement. Synonyms: Accord, harmony, unanimity Antonyms:
Disagreement, dissent, discord Usage: The Council could arrive at a consensus
on a flurry of issues aimed at easing the lot of taxpayers.
Meaning: Freed from an obligation or liability imposed on others. Synonyms:
Freed, excused, excluded Antonyms: Obligated, liable, included Usage: Hostel
accommodation costing up to ₹20,000 a month has been exempted from GST
Meaning: Looking back on or dealing with past events or situations. Synonyms:
Retroactive, backward-looking Antonyms: Prospective, forward-looking Usage:
Several industry-specific measures will kick in with retrospective effect.
Meaning: Looking back on or dealing with past events or situations. Synonyms:
Retroactive, backward-looking Antonyms: Prospective, forward-looking Usage:
Several industry-specific measures will kick in with retrospective effect.
Meaning: To put an end to, typically by the use of force. Synonyms: Suppress,
subdue, extinguish Antonyms: Encourage, provoke, incite Usage: The former will
quell a difficult-toimplement industry irritant.
A fresh
start Meaning: Beginning something again in a new and different way. Take stock
of Meaning: To review or make an overall assessment of a particular situation.
Kick in Meaning: To begin to take effect. Sign off on Meaning: To formally
approve or agree to something. Come to a conclusion Meaning: To decide or
determine something.
Meaning: Outstandingly bad; shocking. Synonyms: Appalling, horrendous,
atrocious Antonyms: Minor, slight, trivial Usage: The egregious error led to
the project's failure
Meaning: Looking or sounding bizarre or unfamiliar. Synonyms: Bizarre,
peculiar, odd Antonyms: Ordinary, conventional, normal Usage: Her outlandish
attire attracted everyone's attention.
Meaning: Secretly allowing something immoral, illegal, or harmful to occur.
Synonyms: Scheming, plotting, conspiring Antonyms: Honest, straightforward,
transparent Usage: They were accused of conniving to overthrow the government.
Scheming Meaning:
Given to making plans, especially sly and underhanded ones. Synonyms: Plotting,
conniving, conspiratorial Antonyms: Honest, straightforward, transparent Usage:
The scheming politician was always a step ahead of his rivals.
Meaning: Invented or concocted, typically with deceitful intent. Synonyms:
Fake, forged, falsified Antonyms: Genuine, authentic, real Usage: The evidence
was fabricated to frame the innocent man.
Meaning: In a very confident and exuberant way. Synonyms: Ostentatiously,
showily, extravagantly Antonyms: Modestly, simply, plainly Usage: She
flamboyantly displayed her wealth at the party.
Meaning: A person who is undergoing a trial period in a job. Synonyms: Trainee,
novice, apprentice Antonyms: Veteran, expert, professional Usage: The
probationer worked hard to secure a permanent position.
Meaning: A departure from what is normal, usual, or expected. Synonyms:
Anomaly, deviation, irregularity Antonyms: Norm, standard, regularity Usage:
The snow in April was an aberration in the region's climate.
and Phrasal Verbs Pull wool over someone's eyes Meaning: To deceive someone.
Usage: She tried to pull wool over the teacher's eyes by submitting copied
homework. Jump through hoops Meaning: To go through a lot of effort to achieve
something. Usage: He had to jump through hoops to get his visa approved. Cast
shade Meaning: To criticize or express contempt. Usage: She cast shade on her
colleague's work during the meeting
Verbs Step outside the law Meaning: To engage in illegal activities. Usage: The
company stepped outside the law by avoiding taxes. Come to light Meaning: To
become known or apparent. Usage: The fraud came to light during the audit.
Flaunt privileges Meaning: To show off benefits or advantages. Usage: He was
known to flaunt his privileges in front of his peers. Indulge in perks Meaning:
To enjoy additional benefits or advantages. Usage: She often indulged in perks
not meant for her position
Sombre Meaning:
Gloomy or serious. Synonyms: Dismal, melancholic, solemn. Antonyms: Cheerful,
bright, lively. Usage: The news of her disqualification cast a sombre mood over
the entire camp.
out Meaning: To gradually fail or end weakly after a promising start. Synonyms:
Fade, peter out, dwindle. Antonyms: Flourish, thrive, escalate. Usage: Her
hopes of winning gold fizzled out at the last moment
Meaning: The highest point or peak, often used metaphorically. Synonyms: Apex,
zenith, pinnacle. Antonyms: Nadir, bottom, base. Usage: She was so close to
reaching the summit of her career.
Meaning: Having the mournful, somber character appropriate to a funeral.
Synonyms: Mournful, gloomy, sorrowful. Antonyms: Festive, joyful, lively.
Usage: The atmosphere in the stadium was almost funereal after the
Meaning: A circle of light shown around or above the head of a saint or holy
person to represent their holiness, often used metaphorically. Synonyms: Aura,
nimbus, glow. Antonyms: Darkness, shadow. Usage: Her victories gave her an
almost saintly halo among her supporters.
Meaning: Fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way. Synonyms:
Frantic, feverish, hectic. Antonyms: Calm, relaxed, composed. Usage: The team
worked in a frenetic manner to help her lose weight. Frenetic Meaning: Fast and energetic
in a rather wild and uncontrolled way. Synonyms: Frantic, feverish, hectic.
Antonyms: Calm, relaxed, composed. Usage: The team worked in a frenetic manner
to help her lose weight.
Meaning: Split or sever something, especially along a natural line or grain; to
adhere closely or stick fast. Synonyms: Split, sever, divide, adhere, cling.
Antonyms: Unite, join, combine, merge. Usage: The tree was cleaved in two by
the lightning strike.
Meaning: Rejected or turned away in an abrupt or ungracious manner. Synonyms:
Reject, repel, snub, spurn, dismiss. Antonyms: Accept, welcome, embrace,
approve. Usage: She rebuffed his offer to help with a curt "no, thank
Meaning: A deep feeling of anxiety or dread Synonyms: Anxiety, fear,
apprehension, dread, unease. Antonyms: Calmness, contentment, tranquility,
peace. Usage: The teenager's angst about the future was evident in his sullen
Meaning: Regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with Synonyms:
Sacred, inviolable, untouchable, revered, hallowed. Antonyms: Profane, unholy,
disregarded, disrespected. Usage: The tradition was considered sacrosanct, and
no one dared to question it.
So near
and yet so far Meaning: Being very close to achieving something but ultimately
failing. Usage: It was a case of so near and yet so far for Vinesh as she
missed the gold medal by a whisker. Summit clash Meaning: The final and most
important match in a competition. Usage: Vinesh was prepared for the summit
clash, but fate had other plans. Crash course Meaning: A quick, intensive
course of study. Usage: She underwent a crash course in weight loss to make the
final bout. Ring loud and clear Meaning: To be very obvious or noticeable.
Usage: The warning bells rang loud and clear when her weight
towards Meaning: To move quickly towards something, often in an aggressive or
determined way. Usage: Her charge towards victory was halted by a minor yet
crucial error. Lean on Meaning: To depend on someone or something for support.
Usage: The wrestlers felt that the administration leaned on outdated
patriarchal norms. Culminate in Meaning: To reach the highest point or final
stage. Usage: Her efforts culminated in a heartbreaking disqualification.
Meaning: Full of disorder or confusion; chaotic. Synonyms: Turbulent, chaotic,
disorderly, tumultuous. Antonyms: Calm, peaceful, orderly, serene. Usage: The
country is going through a tumultuous phase with widespread violence and
Meaning: To move back or away; to diminish. Synonyms: Retreat, withdraw,
diminish, ebb. Antonyms: Advance, increase, approach, surge. Usage: The
violence in the region refuses to recede despite the efforts of the
Meaning: Deliberately destroy or damage public or private property. Synonyms:
Deface, destroy, wreck, damage. Antonyms: Protect, preserve, repair, restore.
Usage: The offices of the Awami League were vandalised during the protests.
Meaning: The restoration of friendly relations. Synonyms: Settlement,
resolution, compromise, conciliation. Antonyms: Conflict, disagreement,
discord, estrangement. Usage: The appointment of Mr. Yunus shows signs of
reconciliation among the political factions.
Meaning: Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based
on practical rather than theoretical considerations. Synonyms: Practical,
realistic, sensible, down-toearth. Antonyms: Idealistic, impractical,
unrealistic, fanciful. Usage: The decision to appoint a technocrat as the
interim leader is a pragmatic approach to resolving the crisis.
Meaning: The right and acceptance of an authority, typically a governing law or
regime. Synonyms: Validity, legality, authority, justification. Antonyms:
Illegitimacy, unlawfulness, invalidity, illegality. Usage: Only an elected
government with popular legitimacy can guide the country through this crisis.
Meaning: A prolonged bitter quarrel with or campaign against someone. Synonyms:
Feud, rivalry, grudge, enmity. Antonyms: Reconciliation, peace, friendship,
truce. Usage: The years of BNP rule were marked by political violence and
Meaning: To guide or control the movement or course of something. Synonyms:
Guide, direct, navigate, control. Antonyms: Misguide, mislead, drift, neglect.
Usage: The success of the uprising will depend on the ability of the new rulers
to steer the country out of trouble.
and Phrasal Verbs Bring back: Meaning: To cause something to return to memory
or consciousness. Usage: Mr. Yunus’s challenge is to bring back the rule of law
in Bangladesh. Take charge: Meaning: To assume control or responsibility.
Usage: Yunus took charge of the country during a tumultuous period. At the
brink: Meaning: On the edge of something, especially a dangerous or disastrous
situation. Usage: The country is at the brink of chaos and violence. Call for:
Meaning: To demand that something happens. Usage: The situation calls for calm
and reconciliation
Meaning: Lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual. Synonyms:
Extended, prolonged, drawn-out. Antonyms: Shortened, abbreviated, brief. Usage:
The trial has been protracted due to numerous delays
Meaning: A feeling of guilt or moral scruple that prevents or follows the doing
of something bad. Synonyms: Remorse, regret, guilt. Antonyms: Indifference,
insensitivity, unconcern. Usage: The authorities acted without compunction,
ignoring the ethical concerns.
Meaning: Made something the most prominent or important feature. Synonyms:
Highlighted, emphasized, accentuated. Antonyms: Minimized, obscured,
underplayed. Usage: The issue was foregrounded in the court’s ruling.
Meaning: The difficult and unpleasant conditions or experiences that are
associated with something. Synonyms: Strictness, severity, harshness. Antonyms:
Leniency, gentleness, softness. Usage: The rigours of the law made it difficult
for the accused to get bail.
Meaning: Subject to one or more conditions or requirements being met. Synonyms:
Contingent, dependent, provisional. Antonyms: Unconditional, absolute,
definitive. Usage: His release was conditional on his agreement to report to
the police station weekly
Meaning: A positive declaration intended to give confidence; a promise.
Synonyms: Guarantee, pledge, promise. Antonyms: Doubt, uncertainty, hesitancy.
Usage: The ED gave an assurance that the trial would be completed soon.
Meaning: The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions.
Synonyms: Freedom, independence, autonomy. Antonyms: Imprisonment, constraint,
restriction. Usage: The judge was concerned about the loss of liberty due to
prolonged pre-trial detention.
Merits Meaning:
The intrinsic rights and wrongs of a case, without reference to procedural or
technical aspects. Synonyms: Worth, value, substance. Antonyms: Flaws, faults,
deficiencies. Usage: The court dismissed his application on its merits.
and Phrasal Verbs: Turn (came) Meaning: When a particular time or opportunity
arrives for someone. Usage: His turn came to testify in court. Pay heed
Meaning: To give attention to something, especially advice or a warning. Usage:
The court failed to pay heed to the Supreme Court’s recommendation. Guard
against Meaning: To take precautions to prevent something from happening.
Usage: Judges must guard against public distrust in the legal system.
Ramp up
Meaning: To increase or cause to increase. Synonyms: Boost, escalate, enhance
Antonyms: Decrease, reduce, lower Usage: The laboratory decided to ramp up
testing efforts following the Zika outbreak in Pune.
Meaning: Determining the order of nucleotides in DNA or RNA to understand the
genetic makeup of a virus. Synonyms: Genetic analysis, gene mapping Antonyms:
None (technical term) Usage: Viral sequencing is crucial in identifying the
strains responsible for outbreaks.
Meaning: Distribution of functions and power from a central authority to
regional and local authorities. Synonyms: Distributed, dispersed, regionalized
Antonyms: Centralized, concentrated Usage: Decentralised testing helped manage
the COVID-19 pandemic effectively across various regions.
and Phrasal Verbs: Cut the delay - To reduce the amount of time taken. Usage:
The municipality decided to send samples to another lab to cut the delay in
testing. Run a risk - To be exposed to danger or the possibility of a bad
outcome. Usage: Pregnant women infected with Zika virus run a risk of having
babies with neurological issues. Bring under focus - To highlight or draw
attention to something. Usage: The outbreak has brought under focus the need
for better testing facilities.
Meaning: Close and critical observation or examination. Synonyms: Inspection,
examination, review. Antonyms: Neglect, disregard. Usage: The company’s
accounts were under scrutiny by the auditors.
Meaning: Required, permitted, or enacted by law. Synonyms: Legal, lawful,
regulatory. Antonyms: Unlawful, illegal, unauthorized. Usage: The organization
must follow statutory regulations.
Meaning: Wrongdoing, especially by a public official. Synonyms: Misconduct,
corruption, misbehavior. Antonyms: Integrity, honesty, propriety. Usage: The
mayor was accused of malfeasance in the handling of city funds.
Meaning: Not discovered or known about; uncertain. Synonyms: Unknown, unclear,
hidden. Antonyms: Clear, obvious, known. Usage: The origin of the artifact
remains obscure.
Meaning: A refutation or contradiction. Synonyms: Refutation, counterargument,
denial. Antonyms: Acceptance, agreement, concession. Usage: The lawyer
presented a strong rebuttal to the prosecution's claims.
Meaning: Consequences or outcomes that are complex or unwelcome. Synonyms:
Consequences, implications, outcomes. Antonyms: Causes, origins, sources.
Usage: The new policy had many unexpected ramifications.
Meaning: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
Synonyms: Honesty, probity, uprightness. Antonyms: Dishonesty, corruption,
deceit. Usage: The judge was known for his integrity and fairness.
and Phrasal Verbs: Cast a shadow on (something) - To cause doubts about
something. Usage: The scandal cast a shadow on the company’s reputation. In the
fitness of things - In a manner appropriate to the situation. Usage: It was in
the fitness of things that she received a promotion after her hard work. Come
under scrutiny - To be critically examined. Usage: The government’s decision
came under scrutiny from the opposition. Go dormant - To become inactive or
cease operations temporarily.
Meaning: Indifferent or non-committal towards a specific belief or opinion.
Synonyms: Uncertain, neutral, non-aligned Antonyms: Certain, committed,
dogmatic Usage: The proposal for a uniform civil code was presented as an
agnostic measure, indifferent to religious beliefs.
Meaning: Likely to cause disagreement or argument. Synonyms: Controversial,
debatable, disputable Antonyms: Uncontroversial, agreeable, peaceful Usage: The
uniform civil code remains a contentious issue in the country.
Meaning: An earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to
be considered in subsequent similar circumstances. Synonyms: Model, example,
guide Antonyms: Anomaly, aberration, deviation Usage: Seating Rahul Gandhi in
the back row was a breach of precedent
Meaning: Performed by or affecting only one side or party. Synonyms: One-sided,
independent, singlehanded Antonyms: Bilateral, multilateral, collective Usage:
The government’s unilateral approach to implementing the uniform civil code has
faced criticism.
Meaning: Strong supporter of a party, cause, or person, often without
considering other perspectives. Synonyms: Biased, one-sided, prejudiced
Antonyms: Impartial, unbiased, neutral Usage: The government's partisan
approach has made the uniform civil code a divisive issue.
Meaning: Taking immediate advantage, often unethically, of any circumstance of
possible benefit. Synonyms: Calculating, strategic, selfserving Antonyms:
Principled, ethical, honorable Usage: The opportunistic use of the uniform
civil code to target certain communities has drawn criticism
Meaning: Providing advice or opinions, often in a formal setting. Synonyms:
Advisory, deliberative, counseling Antonyms: Dictatorial, authoritarian,
unilateral Usage: A more consultative approach is needed to build consensus on
the uniform civil code.
Meaning: General agreement among a group of people. Synonyms: Agreement,
harmony, accord Antonyms: Disagreement, discord, conflict Usage: Building a
consensus on the uniform civil code in a diverse country like India is crucial.
and Phrasal Verbs: Stay the course: To continue with a process, effort, etc.,
even though it is difficult. Usage: The Prime Minister vowed to stay the course
in his fight against corruption. Breached precedent: To violate or go against
an established norm or rule. Usage: Seating the Leader of the Opposition in the
back row breached precedent. Signal continuity: To indicate or show that
something will remain consistent over time. Usage: Modi's speech sought to
signal continuity in his third term in office
Meaning: A disease regularly found among particular people or in a certain
area. Synonyms: Native, local, indigenous. Antonyms: Epidemic, pandemic. Usage:
Mpox has been endemic in Africa for years.
Meaning: The act or process by which something is spread or passed from one
person or place to another. Synonyms: Spread, dissemination, propagation.
Antonyms: Containment, isolation. Usage: The transmission of the virus was
primarily through human-to-human contact.
Meaning: Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. Synonyms: Indifference,
Unconcern, Disinterest Antonyms: Enthusiasm, Interest, Passion His apathy
towards the project was evident in his lack of participation
and Phrasal Verbs: Blunt transmission (idiom) Meaning: To reduce or slow down
the spread of a disease. Usage: Vaccines were used to blunt transmission in
Europe and the U.S. Sidestep (phrasal verb) Meaning: To avoid or circumvent
something. Usage: The regulatory hurdle can be sidestepped if the company
expresses interest in WHO’s emergency use listing. Wait till the end of (idiom)
Meaning: To remain in a state of expectation until a particular time. Usage:
Africa will have to wait till the end of 2025 for the 10 million doses.
Meaning: Overused and unoriginal remarks or statements. Synonym: Cliché, truism
Antonym: Insight, originality Usage: The politician’s speech was filled with
platitudes rather than substantive proposals.
Meaning: Returning to an earlier or less advanced state. Synonym:
Retrogressive, backward Antonym: Progressive, advanced Usage: The policy was
criticized as regressive because it hindered progress in women’s rights.
Meaning: Extremely bad or poor. Synonym: Terrible, dreadful Antonym: Excellent,
superior Usage: The abysmal working conditions led to widespread
dissatisfaction among the employees.
Suo Motu
Meaning: On its own motion; taking action on its own accord. Synonym: On its
own initiative Antonym: Requested, solicited Usage: The court took suo motu
notice of the issue to ensure justice was served.
Meaning: Awareness or knowledge of something. Synonym: Awareness, recognition
Antonym: Ignorance, oblivion Usage: The board took cognisance of the
irregularities in the financial report.
Meaning: Having supreme power or authority. Synonym: Supreme, independent
Antonym: Subordinate, dependent Usage: The nation prides itself on being a
sovereign state with full control over its affairs.
Meaning: A set of formal rules or procedures. Synonym: Procedure, guideline
Antonym: Informality, disregard Usage: Following the safety protocol is
essential in preventing accidents in the laboratory.
Meaning: The established set of attitudes held by someone. Synonym: Attitude,
mentality Antonym: Indifference, openness Usage: Changing the mindset of
employees was crucial for the success of the new initiative.
Synonyms: Approval, Authorization Antonyms: Denial, Prohibition Usage Sentence:
The governor's sanction was needed before any investigation could proceed.
Synonyms: Hasty, Rash Antonyms: Delayed, Cautious Usage Sentence: The court
asked the trial court to avoid any precipitate actions until further hearings.
Synonyms: Passionately, Intensely Antonyms: Indifferently, Calmly Usage
Sentence: The Chief Minister vehemently denied any involvement in the land
allotment controversy
Synonyms: Annoying, Harassing Antonyms: Peaceful, Pleasant Usage Sentence: The
amendment to the Prevention of Corruption Act aims to deter vexatious
Synonyms: Trustworthy, Reliable Antonyms: Unbelievable, Untrustworthy Usage
Sentence: The criminal process must be credible and independent to gain public
Synonyms: Distribution, Assignment Antonyms: Withdrawal, Reclaim Usage
Sentence: The allotment of land to the Chief Minister’s wife is under scrutiny.
Synonyms: Prejudice, Partiality Antonyms: Impartiality, Fairness Usage
Sentence: The Governor may make an independent decision if there is evidence of
bias in the Council of Ministers.
Synonyms: Revision, Modification Antonyms: Rejection, Maintenance Usage
Sentence: The 2018 amendment to the Prevention of Corruption Act introduced new
filtering mechanisms.
and Phrasal Verbs: ● "Defer action" ● Meaning: To delay or postpone
taking action. ● "Contain evidence" ● Meaning: To include or hold
proof of something. ● "Seek to" ● Meaning: To try or attempt to
achieve something ● "Hankering for" ● Meaning: A strong desire or
craving for something.
Meaning: A minor, temporary deviation from a general trend. Synonyms: Glitch,
anomaly, fluctuation. Antonyms: Continuity, stability, constancy. Usage: The
drop in exports was just a blip in an otherwise steady growth trend.
Meaning: Inconsistent, uneven in quality or performance. Synonyms: Irregular,
uneven, erratic. Antonyms: Consistent, uniform, even. Usage: The company’s
performance has been patchy over the past year.
Meaning: The total amount or score. Synonyms: Count, sum, total. Antonyms:
Divide, separate, subtract. Usage: The final tally of votes was announced at
the end of the day
Tally Meaning:
The total amount or score. Synonyms: Count, sum, total. Antonyms: Divide,
separate, subtract. Usage: The final tally of votes was announced at the end of
the day
Meaning: Optimistic or positive, especially in a difficult situation. Synonyms:
Hopeful, optimistic, confident. Antonyms: Pessimistic, doubtful, negative.
Usage: Despite the challenges, the manager remained sanguine about the
project's success
Meaning: The positive or favorable aspect of something. Synonyms: Advantage,
benefit, positive. Antonyms: Downside, disadvantage, negative. Usage: The
upside of the new policy is increased efficiency.
Meaning: Capable of working successfully. Synonyms: Feasible, practical,
workable. Antonyms: Unviable, impractical, impossible. Usage: The company is
searching for a viable solution to the problem.
Meaning: Offering goods or services at a lower price than a competitor.
Synonyms: Undersell, discount, underbid. Antonyms: Overpricing, overcharging,
inflating. Usage: The store was undercutting its competitors by offering
significant discounts.
and Phrasal Verbs: Hold up (phrasal verb) Meaning: To remain strong or in a
good condition. Usage: Domestic demand is expected to hold up despite global
challenges. Run harder (idiom) Meaning: To make greater efforts. Usage: India
must run harder to keep up with the global trade competition. Flood the market
(idiom) Meaning: To oversupply the market with a particular product. Usage:
Chinese producers are flooding the market by undercutting prices
Meaning: To move or progress with difficulty. Synonym: Stumble, struggle
Antonym: Thrive, flourish Usage: The region is limping back to normalcy after
the landslide.
Meaning: A severe flood or a large amount of something arriving suddenly.
Synonym: Flood, torrent Antonym: Drought, trickle Usage: The deluge from the
glacier caused massive destruction to the dam.
Meaning: In a state of inactivity or dormancy. Synonym: Inactive, dormant
Antonym: Active, dynamic Usage: The old issue remained quiescent until the
recent disaster highlighted it again.
Meaning: A confusing and difficult problem or question. Synonym: Puzzle, riddle
Antonym: Solution, answer Usage: The conundrum of balancing environmental risks
with economic benefits persists.
Meaning: A river or stream flowing into a larger river or lake. Synonym:
Substream, feeder Antonym: Main river Usage: The Teesta river is a tributary of
the Brahmaputra.
Meaning: Moving with a smooth, wavelike motion. Synonym: Rolling, wave-like
Antonym: Flat, straight Usage: The river’s undulating course complicates power
project planning
Meaning: Sold to the highest bidder through a public sale. Synonym: Sold, bid
Antonym: Bought outright, reserved Usage: Several companies have bid for
projects auctioned by State governments
Meaning: A type of construction where concrete is used on the face of a
structure. Synonym: Concrete-covered Antonym: Uncovered Usage: The dam was
built with a concretefaced rock fill design.
and Phrasal Verbs "Shines a new light on" Meaning: To make something
clearer or more apparent. "Tempts governments to extract as much benefit
as possible" Meaning: Encourages governments to gain as many advantages as
they can. "Bid for projects" Meaning: To make an offer to undertake a
project, often in competition with others. "Grounded after" Meaning:
Rendered inactive or non-functional
Synonym: Moderating, adjusting Antonym: Skewing, favoring Usage: "Modi’s
trip to Kyiv was seen as an exercise in balancing India’s position on the
Russia-Ukraine war."
Synonym: Refraining, avoiding Antonym: Participating, engaging Usage:
"India has been abstaining from all resolutions at the United Nations
critical of Russia."
Synonym: Framed, expressed Antonym: Unstated, direct Usage: "India’s
disapproval of Russia’s actions was couched in the language of peace."
Synonym: Noteworthy, important Antonym: Insignificant, trivial Usage: "The
visit was significant as it was the first by any Indian Prime Minister since
Ukraine’s independence.
Synonym: Anticipated, expected Antonym: Unexpected, unforeseen Usage: "The
leaders did not speak of progress on other outlooked issues.
Synonym: Proposed, suggested Antonym: Discarded, ignored Usage: "The
broader question was whether India would play a larger role in resolving the
conflict, an idea propounded by Kyiv."
Synonym: Endanger, jeopardize Antonym: Protect, safeguard Usage: "India
has a stake in ensuring that the impact of the war and sanctions do not
continue to imperil developing nations."
Synonym: Representation, significance Antonym: Literalness, reality Usage:
"The visit's substance greatly outweighed the symbolism."
and Phrasal Verbs Balancing India’s position: Adjusting or moderating India's
stance to address multiple factors. Couched in: Framed or expressed in a
particular way. Move the needle: Make a significant change or impact.
Meaning: Postponed or delayed Synonym: Delayed Antonym: Immediate Sentence: The
decision on the new policy was deferred until next month.
Meaning: The government department responsible for managing public finances
Synonym: Treasury Antonym: Private fund Sentence: The exchequer released funds
for the new infrastructure project.
Meaning: Opportunities or options Synonym: Paths Antonym: Obstacles Sentence:
She explored various avenues before deciding on her career.
Meaning: Financially supported or guaranteed Synonym: Supported Antonym:
Neglected Sentence: The bank underwrote the new insurance policy.
Meaning: Involving contributions from individuals or organizations Synonym:
Contributive Antonym: Non-contributory Sentence: The contributory pension
scheme requires regular employee deposits.
Meaning: Increasing rapidly in size or amount Synonym: Expanding Antonym:
Shrinking Sentence: The ballooning costs of healthcare are a concern for the
Meaning: Cautiousness or careful management Synonym: Caution Antonym:
Recklessness Sentence: Financial prudence is necessary for maintaining a
balanced budget.
Meaning: Capable of being maintained over the long term Synonym: Maintainable
Antonym: Unsustainable Sentence: The company aims to implement sustainable
practices to reduce its environmental impact.
and Phrasal Verbs Idioms: "Pushed to the corner": To be in a
difficult or challenging situation with few options. Meaning: To be forced into
a difficult situation with limited choices. "Hold on to": To keep or
maintain something. Meaning: To continue to have or keep something despite
challenges. "Resorting to": To turn to or adopt a particular course
of action. Meaning: To use something as a solution when other options are not
available. "Turned out": To happen in a particular way or to result.
Meaning: To result in a certain manner or outcome. "Driven by":
Motivated or influenced by a particular factor. Meaning: Caused or motivated by
a specific factor
Meaning: Making something less clear or more difficult to understand. Synonym:
Obscuring, confusing Antonym: Clarifying, simplifying Usage: The government’s
proposal is muddying the waters. Hindi Meaning: अ करना
Meaning: To mention or list one by one. Synonym: List, itemize Antonym:
Conceal, ignore Usage: The Census might include caste enumeration. Hindi
Meaning: गनती करना
Meaning: Loud and harsh; presenting a point of view in a forceful way. Synonym:
Harsh, forceful Antonym: Soft, mild Usage: The strident demand for a caste
census. Hindi Meaning: कक
Meaning: Appearing or claiming to be one thing when it is really something
else. Synonym: Apparent, superficial Antonym: Genuine, real Usage: The
ostensible reason for the dlay was the pandemic. Hindi Meaning: दखावट
Meaning: Appearing or claiming to be one thing when it is really something
else. Synonym: Apparent, superficial Antonym: Genuine, real Usage: The
ostensible reason for the delay was the pandemic. Hindi Meaning:दखावट
Dubious Meaning: Hesitating or doubting; not to be relied
upon. Synonym: Doubtful, uncertain Antonym: Certain, trustworthy Usage: India
shares this dubious distinction with countries in crisis. Hindi Meaning: संदग्ध
Derelict Meaning: Neglectful of duty; abandoned. Synonym:
Negligent, remiss Antonym: Diligent, responsible Usage: The government is being
derelict in its duties. Hindi Meaning: लापरवाह
Bevy Meaning: A large group or collection of people or
things. Synonym: Group, collection Antonym: Single, individual Usage: A bevy of
sample surveys are used to fill in the gap. Hindi Meaning: समूह
Idioms and Phrasal Verbs ● Muddying the waters: Making a
situation more complicated or less clear. ● Hurry into: Rush into doing
something without proper preparation. ● Fill in the gap: To provide missing
information or data
Codified Meaning: To arrange and set down in writing.
Synonym: Systematized Antonym: Disorganized Usage: The rights were codified in
law. Hindi Meaning: संहताब‑
Chilling Effect Meaning: A situation where a legal or
regulatory action discourages the exercise of a right. Synonym: Intimidation
Antonym: Encouragement Usage: The arrest had a chilling effect on free speech.
Hindi Meaning: डरानेवाला !भाव
Laissez-faire Meaning: A policy of letting things take their
own course, without interfering. Synonym: Hands-off Antonym: Interventionist
Usage: His laissez-faire approach to content regulation is controversial. Hindi
Meaning: हस्त#ेपहीन
Absolutists Meaning: People who believe in the absolute or
total nature of something. Synonym: Extremists Antonym: Relativists Usage: Free
speech absolutists argue against any restrictions. Hindi Meaning: नरपे#तावाद
Moderation Meaning: The action of making something less
extreme, or the process of overseeing content. Synonym: Regulation Antonym:
Extremism Usage: The app's moderation policies were questioned. Hindi Meaning: नयं%ण
Eschew Meaning: To deliberately avoid or abstain from.
Synonym: Avoid Antonym: Embrace Usage: They should eschew absolutism and focus
on responsible moderation. Hindi Meaning: परहेज करना
Idioms and Phrasal Verbs Risk the wrath: Meaning: To expose
oneself to anger or punishment from someone in authority. Escape the long arm
of the law: Meaning: To avoid being caught or punished by the legal system.
Tamp down: Meaning: To suppress or reduce something.
Plunge Meaning: To suddenly start doing something with
enthusiasm. Synonym: Dive Antonym: Retreat Usage: New Delhi is ready to take
the plunge and attempt peacemaking. Hindi Meaning: छलांग
Fuel Meaning: To increase or stimulate something. Synonym:
Encourage Antonym: Suppress Usage: The visits have fuelled hopes for India's
involvement in peacemaking. Hindi Meaning: !ोत्साहत करना
Partial Meaning: Favoring one side more than another.
Synonym: Biased Antonym: Impartial Usage: New Delhi has been seen to be partial
to Moscow. Hindi Meaning: प#पाती
Entrenched Meaning: Firmly established and difficult to
change. Synonym: Established Antonym: Unsettled Usage: With such entrenched
positions, New Delhi must proceed with care. Hindi Meaning: गहरा जड़त
Articulate Meaning: To express an idea or feeling fluently
and coherently. Synonym: Express Antonym: Mumble Usage: India must also
articulate its own principles for a ceasefire. Hindi Meaning: करना
Complicated Meaning: Consisting of many interconnecting parts
or elements; intricate. Synonym: Complex Antonym: Simple Usage: An Indian peace
initiative will be further complicated by the proposals. Hindi Meaning: जटल
Ceasefire Meaning: An agreement to stop
fighting, typically one that is temporary. Synonym: Truce Antonym: Conflict
Usage: India must articulate its principles for a ceasefire compromise. Hindi
Meaning: संघषवराम
Initiative Meaning: The ability to
assess and initiate things independently. Synonym: Proposal Antonym: Inactivity
Usage: The Black Sea Grain Initiative was one of the successful efforts. Hindi
Meaning: पहल
Idioms and Phrasal Verbs Take the
plunge:To decide to do something important or risky, especially after thinking
about it for a long time. Fuel hopes:To increase or stimulate expectations or
hopes. Caught off guard: To become part of a group or category. Join the
ranks:To be surprised or unprepared for something.
Ire Meaning: Anger or rage. Synonyms:
Anger, wrath, rage. Antonyms: Calm, peace, serenity. Usage: The Court’s ire was
directed at the Ministry of AYUSH. Hindi Meaning: -ोध
Cynical Meaning: Distrustful of human
sincerity or integrity; believing that people are motivated by self-interest.
Synonyms: Skeptical, distrustful, pessimistic. Antonyms: Trustful, optimistic,
believing. Usage: The Ministry’s cynical attempt to sidestep the rules was
noted by the Court. Hindi Meaning: .न/दक
Sidestep Meaning: To avoid dealing with
or addressing something. Synonyms: Avoid, evade, bypass. Antonyms: Confront,
face, address. Usage: The Ministry attempted to sidestep Rule 170. Hindi
Meaning: टालना
Disuniform Meaning: Lacking uniformity
or consistency. Synonyms: Inconsistent, uneven, irregular. Antonyms: Uniform,
consistent, regular. Usage: Medicine quality and manufacturer inspections are
disuniform. Hindi Meaning: असमान
Sated Meaning: Satisfied to the full.
Synonyms: Satisfied, contented, fulfilled. Antonyms: Unsatisfied, dissatisfied,
hungry. Usage: The Court may seem sated by the demand for self-declarations.
Hindi Meaning: तृप्त
Rectify Meaning: To correct or make
right. Synonyms: Correct, amend, fix. Antonyms: Mistake, worsen, damage. Usage:
The Court should focus on rectifying the quality-control regime. Hindi Meaning:
Empower Meaning: To give someone the
authority or power to do something. Synonyms: Authorize, enable, equip.
Antonyms: Weaken, disempower, disable. Usage: The Court aims to empower the
quality-control regime. Hindi Meaning: सश2 बनाना
Backstop Meaning: A form of protection
or safeguard. Synonyms: Safety net, protection, safeguard. Antonyms:
Vulnerability, risk, exposure. Usage: Regulating advertisements has emerged as
a backstop against bad products. Hindi Meaning: सुर#ा उपाय
Idioms and Phrasal Verbs ● "Caught
between" ● Meaning: Faced with a difficult situation where one must choose
between two or more conflicting options. ● Grease the wheels" ● Meaning:
To make something easier or smoother, often through informal or unofficial
means. ● "Reaching for" ● Meaning: To seek or strive for something. ●
"Navigate this tension" ● Meaning: To manage or deal with a difficult
or complicated situation. ● "Act against" ● Meaning: To take action
to oppose or address something
Slated Meaning: Scheduled or planned to
happen Synonym: Scheduled Antonym: Canceled Hindi Meaning: नधा
4रत Sentence: The
meeting is slated to begin at 10 AM tomorrow.
Parleys Meaning: Discussions or
conferences, especially between opposing sides Synonym: Negotiations Antonym:
Silence Hindi Meaning: बातचीत, संवाद Sentence: The parleys between the two
companies were crucial for reaching a deal.
Arduous Meaning: Involving a lot of
effort and hard work Synonym: Difficult Antonym: Easy Hindi Meaning: क
ठन, 7मसाध्य Sentence: Climbing the mountain was an
arduous task, requiring several days of hard work
Feasibility Meaning: The state or degree
of being easily or conveniently done Synonym: Viability Antonym: Impossibility
Hindi Meaning: 8वहाय
ता, स9ावना Sentence: The
feasibility of the new project will be assessed before any further investment.
Acrimonious Meaning: Angry and bitter
Synonym: Hostile Antonym: Amicable Hindi Meaning: कक
श, तीखा Sentence: The debate became
increasingly acrimonious as the candidates started arguing fiercely.
Nitty-gritty Meaning: The most important
aspects or practical details of a matter Synonym: Details Antonym: Generalities
Hindi Meaning: मूल बात:, महत्वपूण
ववरण Sentence: We
need to focus on the nittygritty of the project to ensure everything runs
Ungainly Meaning: Clumsy or awkward
Synonym: Awkward Antonym: Graceful Hindi Meaning: अजीब, बेतुका Sentence: The ungainly structure of the
building drew criticism from the design experts.
Spectre Meaning: A ghost or something
widely feared Synonym: Phantom Antonym: Reality Hindi Meaning: भूत, खौफ Sentence: The spectre of bankruptcy
loomed over the company, causing widespread anxiety among employees.
Idioms and Phrasal Verbs Used in the
Passage Take stock Meaning: To assess or evaluate the situation or progress of
something. Shake things up Meaning: To cause significant change or disruption
in a situation. Yielding space Meaning: To give up or relinquish control or
authority over something.
Retribution Meaning: Punishment
inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act. Synonym:
Revenge, punishment Antonym: Forgiveness, pardon Sentence: The community viewed
the new policies as a form of retribution rather than justice. Hindi Meaning: !तशोध
Impunity Meaning: Exemption from
punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action. Synonym:
Exemption, immunity Antonym: Accountability, liability Sentence: The criminals
acted with impunity, believing that they were above the law. Hindi Meaning: दंड सेछूट
Oblivious Meaning: Not aware or
concerned about what is happening around one. Synonym: Unaware, unconscious Antonym:
Aware, mindful Sentence: She was oblivious to the tension in the room, as she
was deeply engrossed in her book. Hindi Meaning: अनजान
Encroachments Meaning: Intrusions on a
person's territory or rights. Synonym: Infringements, invasions Antonym:
Respect, protection Sentence: The park had to deal with numerous encroachments
over the years. Hindi Meaning: अत-मण
Gloating Meaning: To dwell on one's own
success or another's misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure. Synonym:
Boasting, reveling Antonym: Sympathizing, mourning Sentence: His gloating over
the competitor's failure was seen as unprofessional. Hindi Meaning: खुशी सेउल्ला=सत होना
Egregious Meaning: Outstandingly bad;
shocking. Synonym: Flagrant, atrocious Antonym: Minor, negligible Sentence: The
company's egregious neglect of safety standards led to a major accident. Hindi
Meaning: घृ>णत
Trickery Meaning: The use of cunning or
deceit to achieve a result. Synonym: Deception, fraud Antonym: Honesty,
integrity Sentence: The contract was filled with trickery, making it difficult
for the average person to understand. Hindi Meaning: धोखाधड़ी
Heinous Synonyms: Atrocious, Wicked,
Evil Antonyms: Noble, Virtuous, Innocent Hindi Meaning: घृ>णत Sentence: The heinous crime shocked the entire community.
Ordinance Synonyms: Decree, Law,
Regulation Antonyms: Repeal, Abolition, Violation Hindi Meaning: अध्यादेश Sentence: The government issued an
ordinance to address the new policy changes.
Clamour Synonyms: Uproar, Protest,
Outcry Antonyms: Silence, Quiet, Peace Hindi Meaning: हल्ला Sentence: There was a loud clamour for
justice after the tragic incident.
Penal Synonyms: Punitive, Legal,
Judicial Antonyms: Rewarding, Nonpunitive, Beneficial Hindi Meaning: दंडात्मक Sentence: The penal code was revised to
include harsher punishments.
Deterrent Synonyms: Discouragement,
Prevention, Hindrance Antonyms: Incentive, Encouragement, Motivation Hindi
Meaning: नरोधक Sentence: The
new laws were intended as a deterrent to would-be offenders.
Reform Synonyms: Improve, Amend, Revise
Antonyms: Deteriorate, Worsen, Preserve Hindi Meaning: सुधार Sentence: Social reform is necessary to
address the root causes of crime.
Slugfest Synonyms: Dispute, Conflict,
Contest Antonyms: Agreement, Harmony, Accord Hindi Meaning: झगड़ा Sentence: The election debate turned
into a slugfest between the two candidates.
Bias Synonyms: Prejudice, Partiality,
Favoritism Antonyms: Impartiality, Fairness, Objectivity Hindi Meaning: पूवा
@ह Sentence: The
investigator was accused of bias in handling the case.
Phrasal Verbs and Idioms ● "Clamour
for": To loudly demand or protest for something. ● "Leans on":
Relies on or depends on. ● "Seek out": To look for or search for
something or someone. ● "Put a question mark on": To express doubt or
uncertainty about something. ● "Better served": To be more
effectively or adequately provided.
Ominously Meaning: In a manner that
suggests something bad is going to happen. Synonyms: Threateningly,
forebodingly. Antonyms: Optimistically, reassuringly. Sentence: The dark clouds
in the sky appeared ominously, signaling an approaching storm. Hindi Meaning: अ!य संकेत केसाथ
Recouped Meaning: To recover or regain
something lost. Synonyms: Recovered, retrieved. Antonyms: Lost, forfeited.
Sentence: The business was able to recoup its losses within a year after the
economic downturn. Hindi Meaning: पुनः !ाप्त करना
Parity Meaning: The state of being
equal, especially regarding status or pay. Synonyms: Equality, equivalence.
Antonyms: Inequality, disparity. Sentence: The new policy aims to achieve
parity in salaries between different departments. Hindi Meaning: समानता
Mooted Meaning: To raise a topic for
discussion or consideration. Synonyms: Proposed, suggested. Antonyms: Ignored,
dismissed. Sentence: The committee mooted the idea of expanding the project to
include additional features. Hindi Meaning: !स्तावत करना
Mainstreamed Meaning: To bring into the
mainstream; to make widely accepted or integrated. Synonyms: Integrated,
popularized. Antonyms: Marginalized, excluded. Sentence: The innovative
technology was quickly mainstreamed into everyday consumer products. Hindi
Meaning: मुख्यधारा म:शाCमल करना
Aborted Meaning: To terminate
prematurely or to end something before completion. Synonyms: Canceled, halted.
Antonyms: Continued, sustained. Sentence: The mission was aborted due to
unexpected technical difficulties. Hindi Meaning: असफल करना
Redress Meaning: To set right or remedy
a situation. Synonyms: Remedy, correct. Antonyms: Worsen, exacerbate. Sentence:
The company implemented new policies to redress the imbalances in employee pay.
Hindi Meaning: सुधारना, ठDक करना
Definitively Meaning: In a way that is
conclusive and final. Synonyms: Conclusively, decisively. Antonyms:
Indefinitely, tentatively. Sentence: The study definitively established the
link between automation and declining labor income share. Hindi Meaning: नणा
यक Eप स
Phrasal Verbs and Idioms ● "Drop
in" ● Meaning: A decrease in something. ● "Aborted bid" ●
Meaning: A failed or discontinued attempt to achieve something. ● “Point
to" ● Meaning: To indicate or suggest.
Blundering Meaning: Making or
characterized by errors due to ignorance or confusion. Synonyms: Mistaken,
erroneous. Antonyms: Accurate, correct. Hindi Meaning: गलतयाँकरनेवाला Sentence: The blundering interpretations in the
curriculum led to widespread criticism.
Retrograde Meaning: Moving backward or
reverting to an earlier, often worse, state. Synonyms: Regressive, backward.
Antonyms: Progressive, forward. Hindi Meaning: !तगामी Sentence: The decision to revert the
guidelines was seen as a retrograde step.
Transvestism Meaning: The practice of
dressing and acting in a style or manner traditionally associated with the
opposite sex. Synonyms: Cross-dressing, gender nonconformity. Antonyms:
Traditional gender presentation. Hindi Meaning: वपरीत Gल/ग का वस्% पहनना Sentence: The curriculum's
classification of transvestism as a perversion was highly criticized.
Derogatory Meaning: Showing a critical
or disrespectful attitude. Synonyms: Disparaging, belittling. Antonyms:
Complimentary, respectful. Hindi Meaning: तरस्कारपूण
Sentence: The derogatory comments in the
curriculum were a cause of great concern.
Admonition Meaning: A warning or
reprimand about someone's behavior. Synonyms: Warning, reprimand. Antonyms:
Praise, approval. Hindi Meaning: चेतावनी Sentence: The high courts' admonition prompted a review
of the controversial curriculum.
Incremental Meaning: Relating to or
denoting an increase or addition, especially one of a series of small, discrete
amounts. Synonyms: Gradual, progressive. Antonyms: Sudden, drastic. Hindi
Meaning: -Cमक Sentence:
Progress in changing societal attitudes often happens in incremental steps
Eroded Meaning: Gradually worn away or
diminished. Synonyms: Undermined, weakened. Antonyms: Strengthened, reinforced.
Hindi Meaning: कमजोर करना Sentence: The incident has eroded
public trust in the government's intentions.
Equitable Meaning: Fair and impartial.
Synonyms: Fair, just. Antonyms: Unfair, biased. Hindi Meaning: न्यायपूण
Sentence: The goal of the new curriculum
was to ensure equitable access to healthcare.
Phrasal Verbs and Idioms ●Strays from -
To deviate or diverge from a path or intended course. ●Take back - To reverse
or retract something that was previously stated or done. ●Write to - To send a
letter or communication to someone. ●Seize the opportunity - To take advantage
of a chance or situation.
Overdue Meaning: Not done or happening
by the expected or required time. Synonyms: Delayed, late, behind schedule.
Antonyms: Early, prompt. Hindi Meaning: वलंबत Sentence: The project is overdue and needs to be
completed immediately.
Neglect Meaning: Fail to care for
properly. Synonyms: Ignore, disregard, overlook. Antonyms: Attend to, care for.
Hindi Meaning: उपे#ा Sentence: The neglected garden was overgrown with
Veiled Meaning: Not openly shown;
disguised. Synonyms: Hidden, disguised, implicit. Antonyms: Open, explicit.
Hindi Meaning: छुपा Hआ Sentence: His veiled criticism was clear to those
who knew him well.
Hinges Meaning: Depends on or is
contingent upon. Synonyms: Depends, relies, based. Antonyms: Independent,
autonomous. Hindi Meaning: नभ
र करना Sentence: The success of the project
hinges on securing funding.
Defray Meaning: Provide money to pay for
something. Synonyms: Cover, pay, offset. Antonyms: Withhold, keep. Hindi
Meaning: खच
उठाना Sentence: The
scholarship will defray the costs of tuition and books.
Entreaties Meaning: Earnest or humble
requests. Synonyms: Pleas, appeals, requests. Antonyms: Demands, orders. Hindi
Meaning: !ाथ
ना Sentence:
Despite their entreaties, the government decided to proceed with the new
Predatory Meaning: Seeking to exploit or
victimize others. Synonyms: Exploitative, aggressive, rapacious. Antonyms:
Protective, nurturing. Hindi Meaning: =शकार करनेवाला Sentence: The company’s predatory
practices were condemned by consumer rights groups.
Phrasal Verbs and Idioms ●Laid out -
Presented or arranged in a specific way. ●Ramping up - Increasing or
accelerating something. ●Bear fruit - To produce good results or benefits.
Regimen Meaning: A prescribed course of
medical treatment or diet. Synonyms: Routine, treatment plan Antonyms: None
Hindi Meaning: =चकत्सा योजना Sentence: The doctor recommended a new
regimen to improve her health.
Transformative Meaning: Causing a
significant change or improvement. Synonyms: Revolutionary, groundbreaking
Antonyms: Unchanging, stagnant Hindi Meaning: प4रवत
नकारी Sentence: The
new policy was transformative for the education system.
Multidrug-resistant Meaning: Resistant
to multiple drugs, especially in the context of infections. Synonyms:
Drug-resistant Antonyms: Drug-sensitive Hindi Meaning: बHऔषCध-!तरोधक Sentence: The patient was diagnosed with a
multidrug-resistant strain of TB.
Entail Meaning: To involve or require as
a necessary part or consequence. Synonyms: Involve, require Antonyms: Exclude,
omit Hindi Meaning: आवश्यक होना Sentence: The job entails a lot of
Pioneer Meaning: A person who is among
the first to explore or settle a new country or area, or a person who is among
the first to develop or apply new methods or knowledge. Synonyms: Trailblazer,
innovator Antonyms: Follower, imitator Hindi Meaning: अ@णी Sentence: She
was a pioneer in the field of genetic research.
Admirably Meaning: In a way that
inspires approval or admiration. Synonyms: Praiseworthily, commendably
Antonyms: Disapprovingly, poorly Hindi Meaning: सराहनीय Eप से Sentence: She handled the challenging situation
Incidence Meaning: The occurrence, rate,
or frequency of a disease, crime, or other undesirable thing. Synonyms:
Occurrence, rate Antonyms: Absence, non-occurrence Hindi Meaning: घटना Sentence: The incidence of diabetes has
increased in recent years.
Sensitively Meaning: In a way that is
careful to consider others' feelings or the possible effects of actions.
Synonyms: Considerately, thoughtfully Antonyms: Insensitively, thoughtlessly
Hindi Meaning: संवेदनशीलता से Sentence: She spoke sensitively about the issues
affecting the community.
Clamour Meaning: A loud and confused
noise, especially that of people shouting or talking loudly. Synonyms: Uproar,
din, noise, outcry Antonyms: Silence, quiet Hindi Meaning: शोर-गुल Sentence: The clamour from the
protesters filled the streets.
Aegis Meaning: Protection, backing, or
support of a particular person or organization. Synonyms: Patronage, support,
protection, guidance Antonyms: Neglect, abandonment Hindi Meaning: संर#ा Sentence: The project was
developed under the aegis of the United Nations.
Averred Meaning: To assert or affirm
with confidence. Synonyms: Assert, declare, affirm, state Antonyms: Deny,
contradict Hindi Meaning: पुC करना Sentence: The scientist averred that
the new treatment was highly effective.
Desist Meaning: To cease or abstain from
doing something. Synonyms: Stop, cease, refrain, discontinue Antonyms:
Continue, persist Hindi Meaning: Kकना Sentence: He was instructed to desist from making further comments.
Tom-tomming Meaning: To make a lot of
public noise about something. Synonyms: Boast, brag, promote Antonyms: Conceal,
downplay Hindi Meaning: !चार करना Sentence: The company was tom-tomming
its new product launch on social media.
Nuanced Meaning: Characterized by subtle
differences or variations. Synonyms: Subtle, refined, detailed, sophisticated
Antonyms: Obvious, simple, coarse Hindi Meaning: बारीक़ Sentence: The artist's painting had a
nuanced use of color and texture.
Buoyant Meaning: Cheerful and
optimistic, or able to stay afloat. Synonyms: Cheerful, lively, optimistic,
floating Antonyms: Dull, depressed, sinking Hindi Meaning: खुशहाल Sentence: The stock market remained
buoyant despite economic uncertainty.
Benign Meaning: Kindly and benevolent;
not harmful. Synonyms: Harmless, gentle, mild, kind Antonyms: Harmful,
malevolent, harsh Hindi Meaning: सौम्य Sentence: The tumor was found to be benign and not a
cause for concern.
Idioms and Phrasal Verbs from the
Passage ● Take a call on - To make a decision about something. ● Take forward -
To advance or continue something.
Modicum Meaning: A small quantity of a
particular thing. Synonyms: Small amount, bit, fragment Antonyms: Abundance,
excess Sentence: The scheme provides a modicum of health coverage for senior
citizens. Hindi Meaning: थोड़ा सा, सीCमत मा%ा
Laudable Meaning: Deserving praise and
commendation. Synonyms: Admirable, commendable, praiseworthy Antonyms:
Unworthy, blameworthy Sentence: The government's decision to extend health
coverage is laudable. Hindi Meaning: सराहनीय, !शंसा योग्य
Outpatient Meaning: A patient who
receives medical treatment without being admitted to a hospital. Synonyms:
Non-admitted patient, ambulatory patient Antonyms: Inpatient, hospitalized
patient Sentence: The scheme does not cover outpatient care, which is a major
concern. Hindi Meaning: बाM रोगी, अताल म:भतN न होनेवाला रोगी
Penetration Meaning: The action of
entering or gaining access to a place or situation. Synonyms: Infiltration,
entry, reach Antonyms: Withdrawal, exit Sentence: The penetration of PM-JAY
into smaller towns has been insufficient. Hindi Meaning: !वेश, पHंच
Robust Meaning: Strong and healthy;
vigorous. Synonyms: Sturdy, resilient, vigorous Antonyms: Weak, fragile
Sentence: A robust primary health care system can alleviate the burden on
tertiary care. Hindi Meaning: मजबूत, सश2
Modalities Meaning: Methods or
procedures for achieving something. Synonyms: Methods, techniques, approaches
Antonyms: Imbalances, irregularities Sentence: The insurance modality in India
is facing challenges in terms of affordability. Hindi Meaning: वCधयाँ, !-याएँ
Curative Meaning: Intended to cure or
heal. Synonyms: Healing, therapeutic, remedial Antonyms: Preventive, palliative
Sentence: The scheme is intended for curative care, not outpatient services.
Hindi Meaning: उपचारात्मक, रोग नवारण
Shrinking Meaning: Becoming smaller in
size or amount. Synonyms: Contracting, diminishing, reducing Antonyms:
Expanding, growing Sentence: Over-reliance on private hospitals is causing the
government’s commitment to shrink. Hindi Meaning: =सकुड़ना, घटाना
Phrasal Verbs and Idioms from the
Passage Cling on to (implied): Holding onto power or a position. Bank on: To
rely or depend on something.
Tranche Meaning: A portion or slice of a
loan or other financial arrangement. Synonyms: Portion, segment, slice.
Antonyms: Whole, total. Usage: The government released the funds in several
tranches. Hindi Meaning: कस्त
Crux Meaning: The most important or
decisive point. Synonyms: Essence, core, heart. Antonyms: Periphery, detail.
Usage: The crux of the problem was never addressed. Hindi Meaning: मुख्य .ब/P
Vistas Meaning: A broad view or outlook.
Synonyms: Prospects, views, horizons. Antonyms: Limitations, constraints.
Usage: The new project opened up exciting vistas for the company. Hindi
Meaning: QC
Interventions Meaning: Actions taken to
improve a situation, especially medical or social. Synonyms: Measures, actions,
treatments. Antonyms: Neglect, avoidance. Usage: The doctors discussed various
interventions to treat the disease. Hindi Meaning: हस्त#ेप
Feasibility Meaning: The practicality or
possibility of something. Synonyms: Viability, practicality, possibility.
Antonyms: Impossibility, impracticality. Usage: The feasibility of the project
was questioned by the stakeholders. Hindi Meaning: 8वहाय
Panacea Meaning: A solution or remedy
for all problems or difficulties. Synonyms: Cure-all, remedy, solution.
Antonyms: Problem, disease. Usage: There is no panacea for the issues facing
the education system. Hindi Meaning: साव
भौCमक उपाय
Mitigate Meaning: To make less severe,
serious, or painful. Synonyms: Alleviate, reduce, lessen. Antonyms: Worsen,
exacerbate. Usage: Measures were taken to mitigate the impact of the flood.
Hindi Meaning: कम करना
Wholesomely Meaning: In a way that is
conducive to health or well-being. Synonyms: Healthily, thoroughly, completely.
Antonyms: Partially, incompletely. Usage: Understanding the issue wholesomely
is crucial for finding a solution. Hindi Meaning: सRूण
Eप स
Phrasal Verbs and Idioms from the
Passage ● "Slave to weather": ● Meaning: To be controlled or
dominated by weather conditions. ● "Open more vistas": ● Meaning: To
create new opportunities or possibilities. ● "Pick up": ● Meaning: To
improve or increase gradually
Cusp Meaning: A point of transition
between two different states. Synonyms: Verge, brink, edge, threshold, point.
Antonyms: Center, middle, interior. Usage Sentence: The company was on the cusp
of major expansion. Hindi Meaning: कगार
Stringent Meaning: Strict, precise, and
exacting. Synonyms: Strict, severe, rigorous, tough. Antonyms: Lenient,
flexible, lax. Usage Sentence: The company has implemented more stringent
safety regulations. Hindi Meaning: कठोर
Incarceration Meaning: The state of
being confined in prison; imprisonment. Synonyms: Imprisonment, detention,
confinement, captivity. Antonyms: Freedom, release, liberation. Usage Sentence:
His wrongful incarceration lasted for ten years before he was exonerated. Hindi
Meaning: कारावास
High-handed Meaning: Using power or
authority without considering the feelings of others. Synonyms: Arbitrary,
autocratic, dictatorial, imperious. Antonyms: Humble, considerate, democratic.
Usage Sentence: The manager's highhanded approach alienated the staff. Hindi
Meaning: नरंकुश
Suspect Meaning: Doubtful, not to be
relied upon. Synonyms: Suspicious, dubious, questionable. Antonyms:
Trustworthy, reliable, certain. Usage Sentence: The police found the timing of
his actions highly suspect. Hindi Meaning: सं
Prolonging Meaning: Extending the
duration of something. Synonyms: Lengthening, extending, delaying, stretching.
Antonyms: Shortening, curtailing, diminishing. Usage Sentence: The lawyer’s
arguments only served to prolong the trial. Hindi Meaning: लम्बा करना
Precedent Meaning: An earlier event or
action that is regarded as an example or guide for future circumstances.
Synonyms: Example, model, guide, benchmark. Antonyms: Aftermath, subsequent,
later. Usage Sentence: The court's decision set an important precedent for
future cases. Hindi Meaning: पूव
Disposition Meaning: A person's inherent
qualities of mind and character; a tendency towards something. Synonyms:
Temperament, nature, inclination, tendency. Antonyms: Disinclination, aversion,
reluctance. Usage Sentence: His calm disposition helped him navigate the crisis
effectively. Hindi Meaning: स्वभाव
Phrasal Verbs and Idioms from the
Passage ●On the cusp of Meaning: At the point when something is about to
happen. ●Caged parrot Meaning: A metaphor for an entity (often the CBI) that is
controlled or restricted, especially by external influences. ●Touch upon
Meaning: To briefly talk about something.
Conceding Meaning: Admitting or
acknowledging something as true or correct. Synonyms: Acknowledge, admit,
yield. Antonyms: Deny, dispute, challenge. Usage: The government was forced to
concede to most of the doctors' demands. Hindi Meaning: मान लेना
Agitation Meaning: A state of anxiety or
nervous excitement; public protest. Synonyms: Protest, unrest, turmoil.
Antonyms: Peace, calm, serenity. Usage: The doctors’ agitation has become a
people’s movement. Hindi Meaning: आंदोलन
Cease Meaning: To stop or bring to an
end. Synonyms: Stop, halt, end. Antonyms: Continue, persist, resume. Usage: The
doctors went on a cease-work strike. Hindi Meaning: रोक देना
Pervading Meaning: Spread through or be
present in every part of something. Synonyms: Permeate, fill, imbue. Antonyms:
Contained, restricted, isolated. Usage: There is a pervading “threat culture”
in government hospitals. Hindi Meaning: 8ाप्त होना
Impasse Meaning: A situation in which no
progress is possible, especially because of disagreement. Synonyms: Deadlock,
stalemate, standstill. Antonyms: Breakthrough, progress, agreement. Usage: The
government should have ended the impasse earlier. Hindi Meaning: गतरोध
Alienated Meaning: To feel isolated or
estranged. Synonyms: Estranged, isolated, separated. Antonyms: Included,
welcomed, embraced. Usage: The handling of the investigation alienated the
doctors. Hindi Meaning: अलग-थलग
Sceptical Meaning: Doubtful or
questioning the truth or reliability of something. Synonyms: Doubtful,
suspicious, unconvinced. Antonyms: Confident, trusting, convinced. Usage: The
Supreme Court was sceptical about the deployment of contractual security personnel.
Hindi Meaning: शंकाल
●Phrasal Verbs and Idioms from the
Passage ●Walk the talk: To back up one's words with actions. ●Laid siege to:
Surrounded or occupied a place in protest or rebellion. ●Call off: To cancel
something. ●Pitch in: To contribute or help, especially in a group effort.
●Take over: To assume control of something. ●Pull up: To reprimand or criticize
someone for their actions. ●Set aside: To reserve or allocate something for a
specific purpose.
Apportionment Meaning: The action of
dividing and distributing something. Synonyms: Allocation, Distribution,
Division. Antonyms: Collection, Accumulation, Amalgamation. Hindi Meaning: वभाजन, आवंटन Sentence: The Finance Ministers
demanded a fair apportionment of taxes.
Devolution Meaning: The transfer or
delegation of power to a lower level. Synonyms: Decentralization, Delegation,
Transfer. Antonyms: Centralization, Retention, Concentration. Hindi Meaning: श=2यS का हस्तांतरण Sentence: The devolution of financial
powers to the States is essential for federal governance.
Infringement Meaning: The action of
breaking the terms of a law or agreement. Synonyms: Violation, Breach,
Encroachment. Antonyms: Compliance, Adherence, Observance. Hindi Meaning: उल्लंघन Sentence: Many States feel that the
Centre’s policies are an infringement on their autonomy
Autonomy Meaning: The right or condition
of selfgovernment. Synonyms: Independence, Sovereignty, Selfrule. Antonyms:
Dependence, Subordination, Control. Hindi Meaning: स्वायTता Sentence: States are demanding more autonomy in tax
collection under the GST regime.
Paltry Meaning: Insignificant; meager.
Synonyms: Trivial, Measly, Scanty. Antonyms: Considerable, Substantial, Ample.
Hindi Meaning: तुU, बHत कम Sentence: The funds allocated for certain State
projects in the Union Budget were paltry
Contingency Meaning: A future event or
circumstance that is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty. Synonyms:
Emergency, Possibility, Risk. Antonyms: Certainty, Assurance, Security. Hindi
Meaning: आकVWमकता Sentence: The Finance Commission has
not addressed contingency expenses related to disasters.
Trajectory Meaning: The path followed by
an object moving through space, or metaphorically, the course of development.
Synonyms: Course, Path, Route. Antonyms: Stagnation, Immobility, Standstill.
Hindi Meaning: पथ,
दशा Sentence: The
economic trajectory of highperforming States is at risk due to limited tax
●Phrasal Verbs and Idioms from the
Passage ●In the backdrop of ● Meaning: Against the background of; in the
context of. ● Hands tied ● Meaning: Unable to act freely due to restrictions.
●Bring to the table ● Meaning: To contribute something of value in a discussion
or negotiation. ●Reignite the debate ● Meaning: To restart a discussion or
Renegotiation Meaning: Re-discussion or
revision of terms in an agreement. Synonyms: Reconsideration, revision,
rediscussion. Antonyms: Agreement, settlement. Hindi Meaning: पुन: बातचीत Sentence: India called for the
renegotiation of the water treaty with Pakistan.
Logjam Meaning: A situation that seems
impossible to solve because of disagreements. Synonyms: Stalemate, deadlock,
impasse. Antonyms: Breakthrough, resolution. Hindi Meaning: गतरोध Sentence: The meeting ended in a logjam with no
agreement reached.
Template Meaning: A model or example
that others can copy. Synonyms: Pattern, model, blueprint. Antonyms:
Improvisation. Hindi Meaning: नमूना Sentence: The treaty was once seen as a template for
international water-sharing agreements
Snowballed Meaning: To increase rapidly
in size, intensity, or importance. Synonyms: Expand, grow, escalate. Antonyms:
Decrease, diminish, reduce. Hindi Meaning: बढ़ जाना Sentence: The issue snowballed into a
major conflict over time.
Unravel Meaning: To disentangle or solve
something complex. Synonyms: Solve, resolve, untangle. Antonyms: Entangle,
complicate. Hindi Meaning: सुलझाना Sentence: The
situation between the two countries began to unravel in the early 2000s.
●Phrasal Verbs and Idioms from the
Passage ●Turned its back: Refused to engage or participate. ●In peril: In
danger or risk. ●Called off: Cancelled or terminated.
Empowered Meaning: Given the authority
or power to do something. Synonyms: Authorized, enabled, permitted Antonyms:
Disempowered, restricted, prohibited Hindi Meaning: सश2 Sentence: The fact-checking unit was empowered to
remove misleading information from social media platforms.
Flagged Meaning: Marked for attention or
concern. Synonyms: Indicated, marked, identified Antonyms: Ignored, overlooked,
neglected Hindi Meaning: =चYZहत कया Sentence: The fact-checking unit flagged the news as misleading.
Censor Meaning: To suppress or remove
material considered offensive or harmful. Synonyms: Suppress, expurgate, edit
Antonyms: Approve, endorse, publish Hindi Meaning: स:सर करना Sentence: The government was criticized
for trying to censor opposing opinions
Recklessly Meaning: Without thinking
about the consequences of one's actions. Synonyms: Carelessly, rashly,
heedlessly Antonyms: Carefully, cautiously, prudently Hindi Meaning: लापरवाही से Sentence: Recklessly spreading misinformation can
cause widespread panic.
Redress Meaning: Remedy or compensation
for a wrong or grievance. Synonyms: Rectify, correct, amend Antonyms:
Aggravate, worsen, ignore Hindi Meaning: सुधार Sentence: The court provided a means of
redress for those affected by the law.
Arbiter Meaning: A person who has the
authority to judge or decide a matter. Synonyms: Judge, referee, mediator
Antonyms: Agitator, participant, disputant Hindi Meaning: मध्य[ Sentence: The government should not
act as the sole arbiter of what is true.
Prevalence Meaning: The fact or
condition of being widespread. Synonyms: Widespreadness, commonness, ubiquity
Antonyms: Rarity, infrequency, scarcity Hindi Meaning: 8ापकता Sentence: The prevalence of fake news
is a growing concern.
Coercively Meaning: Using force or
threats to make someone do something. Synonyms: Forcibly, compulsorily,
authoritatively Antonyms: Voluntarily, willingly, freely Hindi Meaning: जबरदस्ती Sentence: The government’s approach was
seen as coercively silencing dissent.
●Phrasal Verbs and Idioms from the
Passage ●Struck down ● Meaning: To declare something invalid or
unconstitutional. ●Tie-breaking ruling ● Meaning: A decision made to settle a
dispute when there is a tie. ● Held firm ● Meaning: To remain steadfast or unchanging.
●Turned its back on ● Meaning: To reject or ignore something.
Adulteration Meaning: The act of adding
inferior or harmful substances to something to make it impure or of lower
quality. Synonyms: Contamination, Degradation, Defilement Antonyms: Purity,
Refinement, Cleanliness Hindi Meaning: Cमलावट Sentence: The adulteration of food
products can pose serious health risks to consumers.
Arduous Meaning: Involving or requiring
a lot of effort; difficult and tiring. Synonyms: Strenuous, Challenging,
Exhausting Antonyms: Easy, Effortless, Simple Hindi Meaning: क
ठन Sentence:
Climbing the mountain was an arduous task that required immense strength.
Deterrence Meaning: The act of
discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the
consequences. Synonyms: Prevention, Hindrance, Inhibition Antonyms:
Encouragement, Support, Promotion Hindi Meaning: नरोध Sentence: The strict laws served as a
deterrence against criminal activities.
Caveats Meaning: A warning or proviso of
specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations. Synonyms: Warnings,
Cautions, Conditions Antonyms: Assurance, Certainty, Approval Hindi Meaning: सावधानयाँ Sentence: The agreement was signed with
several caveats regarding future disputes.
Opportunistic Meaning: Exploiting
immediate opportunities, often unethically, without regard to principles or
consequences. Synonyms: Self-serving, Calculating, Unscrupulous Antonyms:
Principled, Ethical, Honest Hindi Meaning: अवसरवाद Sentence: The politician’s
opportunistic behavior raised doubts about his sincerity.
Purview Meaning: The scope or range of
authority, responsibility, or concern. Synonyms: Scope, Extent, Range Antonyms:
Limitation, Narrowness, Confinement Hindi Meaning: अCधकार #े% Sentence: Matters of national security fall within
the purview of the government.
Metamorphose Meaning: To change in form,
structure, or nature, especially into something completely different. Synonyms:
Transform, Convert, Transmute Antonyms: Remain, Stagnate, Persist Hindi
Meaning: Eपांत4रत होना Sentence: Over the years, the small
town metamorphosed into a bustling city
Muck-raking Meaning: The act of
searching out and publicizing scandalous information about famous people in an
underhanded way. Synonyms: Scandal-mongering, Slandering, Defamation Antonyms:
Praising, Commending, Honoring Hindi Meaning: बदनामी फैलाना Sentence: The journalist was accused of
muck-raking rather than genuine reporting.
●Phrasal Verbs and Idioms from the
Passage ● “On the face of it" - Meaning: At first glance; based on the
appearance of things. ● "In the wake of" - Meaning: Following or as a
result of something.