B.Sc. (Hons) Forestry HBB 113 Plant Biochemistry 2(1+1). Syllabus

         B.Sc. (Hons) Forestry HBB 113

             Plant Biochemistry 2(1+1)


Chemistry of carbohyd rates – classification,mono, diandpoly saccharides, anomerism, epimerism, mutarotation, configuration of sugarsandin version. Chemistry of lipids–classification, simple lipids and phosph or lipids. Fatty acids and fat constants, lipids of chloroplast, membrane lipids. Chemistry amino acids, peptides and proteins, classification, levels of protein structure. Chemistry of nucleic acids–bases, sugars, Nuc nzymes –classification, enzymekinetics, enzyme inhibition, allosteric enzymes, lysozymes, coenzymes. Metabolism of carbohydrates – glycolysis, TCAcycle, HMPshunt, glyoxy licacidcycle, electron transport chain. Lipids metabolism–beta oxidation and fatty acid biosynthesis. Photosynthesis – light reaction, dark reaction, Hill’s reaction, photo respiration, C4 pathway, C3 and C4 plants, CO2 fixation, regulation of photosyn thesis. Plant hormones and their mode of action.


 Qualitative tests for carbohydrates, Quantitative estimation of reducing sugars by DNS method, Quantitative test for total carbohydrates by Anthrone reagent, Qualitative tests for lipids,Determination of Saponification number of oils/fats, Determination of Iodine number of fatty acids, Qualitative tests for proteins/amino acids, Estimation of protein by Lowry’s method, Determination of Michaelis constant of enzymes, Estimation of RNA.


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