forest Forestry

 FOREST (वन): forest is derived from latin word “Foris”, meaning outside the village boundary.

Generally forest refers to an area with different kinds of trees, shrubs, herbs/grasses and wildlife. Definitions: 1. Technically, forest is defined as an area set aside for the production of timber and other forest produce, or maintained under woody vegetation for certain indirect benefits which it provides (eg climatic or protective).

2. Ecologically, forest is defined as plant community predominantly of trees and other woody vegetation usually with a closed canopy.

3. Legally, forest is an area of land proclaimed to be a forest under forest law.

Forestry (वािनकी): defined as the theory and practice of all that constitutes the creation, conservation and scientific management of forests and the utilization of their resources.

Forestry is applied science, which is concerned with  Cultivation of forest crop  Protection of forest crop  Conservation of forest crop  Management of forest crop  Harvesting & marketing of forest produce  Regeneration of forest crop (Renewal of forest crop)

Sir Dietrich Brandis, (German Forester) appointed as the first Inspector-General of Forests by the British Government of India in 1864, and laid the foundation of scientific forest management in India, thus known as the “Father of Indian Forestry”

Department of Silviculture & AgroforestryImportance of Forests:

 Forests are commonly referred to as Lungs of the Earth. Good quality forests produce massive

amount of Oxygen which enables other organisms to breathe. According to one estimate 1 acre

of Forest provides over 6 tons of oxygen per year.

 Forests provide home to diverse animal and plant species ie are the store house of biodiversity.

 About 1/4 of all the medicines that is produced, originates from tropical rain forest. Quinine is

derived from the 'Cinchona Tree' which is used to treat Malaria.

 Forests provide timber which is used for building houses, furniture etc.

 Forests are the most important component of Earth's Ecosystem as it prevents soil erosion,

maintains water cycle, check global warming etc.

 Wildlife tourism (National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries) generates lots of capital/revenue to

the government.

 Forests still harbour various species of living organisms which are still being discovered.

 Each Animal, Insect and Plant contains its individual genetic material that has been evolving for

thousands of years.

Classification of world forests (Vegetation):

A forest is a biotic community dominated by trees. Vegetation / forests occurring naturally in a place are

a result of complex interaction of:

a. Climatic factors

 Rainfall

 Temperature

 Wind

 Humidity

 Solar radiation/ light

b. Edaphic factors

 Soil nutrients

 Soil moisture

 Soil pH

c. Topographic features (Physiographic factors)

 Land configuration (hills, plain , undulating)

 Altitude

 Slope

 Aspects (Northern ; Southern)

d. Biotic interactions

 Relationship between plant and plant

 Relationship between plant and animals

 Relationship between plant and man

Among all these factors, perhaps climate is the most predominant factor affecting the vegetation of the

world. Among the climatic factors temperature and rainfall are the most important factors in determining

the vegetation type of a region. Temperature values are maximum at equator, decrease gradually towards

poles. Thus vegetation is divided into tropical, coniferous, arctic vegetation depending on the latitude.

Similarly altitude affects the temperature values. Temperature decreased with increase in altitude, thus

Department of Silviculture & Agroforestryvegetation at different altitude is different Hence the variation .

increasing latitude from equator an influence on vegetation. Thus there are Major Vegetation of the World:

latit i e fr m e ator and increasing altitude on mountains have i creasi altit e m

ndifferent kinds tai s

iffere t a e

kinds of vegetation at more or

f e etati at less similar are distinct latitudinal and altitudinal zonations in vegetation. isti ct latit i al a 1. Vegetation of Cold Latitudes and Hi Mountains gh

2. Vegetation of Temperate Zone 3. Steppe and Savanna (Grasslan s) 4. Desert Vegetation 5. Tropical Rainforests

e etati Ste e a fTem erate Zone Sa a a (Grasslands) 6. Tropical Deciduou and Scrub f rests s a Scrub forests al


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