

Distribution:The family with its 92 genera and 900 species is widely distributed in tropical regions of the world. In India, it is fairly represented by 24 genera and 72 species common examples like Litchi sinensis, Aesculus indica, Sapindus muskorossi and species of Acer, mainly found in western Himalayas. Litchi and Sapindusare grown in most part of the country. Salient feature: Plants are trees or herbs rarely Woody Vines (Cardiospermum) climbs by tendrils or modified in inflorescence axes; stem has resin passages with plenty of gum. Description:Stem shows of extra stelar vascular bundles (anamalous condition); leaves are pinnately compound, exstipulate; flower complete and hypogynous; calyx and corolla are free; extra stamina disc is found in form of a gland; placentation is axile. Leaves: Leaves are alternate or rarely opposite (Acer) usually pinnately compound, rarely ternate and very simple (Cardiospermum), palmately lobed (Acer) or digitate (Aescules). Exstipulate or in climbing species stipules are small and deciduous. Latex or regin cells are present in leaves. Cardiospermum is a herbaceous climber but Serjania and Paullinia are lianas. Inflorescence: Usually a cymose, panicle or a thyrsus, rarely racemose. Flowers: Small regular or obliquely zygomorphic bisexual or unisexual or polygamous pentamerous or rarely tetramerous and hypogynous. Flowers are often protandrous and entomophilous Calyx:Comprises usually 5 free sepals or in regular flowers with sepals 4 due to Union of 3rd and 5th sepals and imbricate in bud. Corolla: Made up of 5 free Petals but four Petals in actinomorphic flowers as a result of suppression. Petals are imbricate with Hairy scale like appendages. Petals are absent in Schleichera and Dodonaea Androecium: In Sapindus and litchi, flowers are actinomorphic but in Erioglossum and Cardiospermum zygomorphic flowers with eccentric androecium are found. In many cases, flowers although apparently bisexual are functionally unisexual do not germinate. Androecium consists of 8 or 10 stamens two whorls but Turpinia has 5 and deinbollia has numerous stamens.

Stamens are free and often eccentric

(erioglossum). But in Cardiospermum filaments are basally connate. An extra staminal disc is usually present often represented by glands.

4Gynoecium: Usually tricarpellary or syncarpous. Ovary is trilocular and superior lobed or not with one or two ovules in each locule inserted on the central axis (axile presentation). The ovary is unilocular with a single ovule in Nephelium and Litchi. Style is simple and terminal. Fruit: Dry or fleshy dry fruit maybe a capsular nut or fleshy fruit a drupe or berry. It is double Samara in Acer and nut like in Litchi. Seeds: Usually arillate (Nephallium,Litchi) with curved embryo and without endosperm. Fruits may show anemochory.

Floral formula: % or K 5 C 5 or 0 A 8-10G(3) Floral diagram:

Cardiospermum halicacabum

Economic Importance 1. Edible fruits are produced by several species e.g. Litchi sinensis, Nephelium lappaceum,Melicocca bijugaL., Blighia sapindakoen.,Dimocarpus longan lam., Scheichera oleosa merr. Etc.Acer saccharinum L. (suhar maple),Aesculus indicaColebr.Schleichera oleosamerr.,Dodonaea viscosa etc.

2. Sapindus muskorossi gaertn. (The soap nut tree, ritha) produces saponin rich fruits, largely used as substitutes for soap.

3. Fruits are are used for washing clothes and hairs. 4. The seed oil of Acer indica is used in rheumatic complaints. 5. Several trees are grown for ornamental purposes e.g. species of Schleichera, Dodonaea, Acer, Sapindus etc.

6. The seeds of Nephelium lappaceum L. (rambutan) yield a solid fat for making soaps and candles.


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