
Showing posts from April, 2022


   INTRODUCTION TO HORTICULTURE  The term ‘Horticulture’ is derived from two Latin words, where hortus means Garden and cultura means Cultivation. The word horticulture came into existence in the seventeenth century. It is found mentioned in Peter Laurenberg’s treatise written in 1631 however ‘E. Phillips Miller’ used the word horticulture in his book “The New World of English Word” in 1678.                In ancient days the gardens had protected enclosures with high walls or similar structures surrounding the houses. The enclosed places were used to grow fruit, vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants. The garden crops include fruits, vegetables, flowers, ornamental tree, spices, plantations, medicinal and aromatic plants. The products of horticultural crops such as fruits and vegetables are easily perishable so that they are utilized in the fresh state.               “At present the hortic...

✅ प्रमुख नदियां एवं उनकी सहायक नदियां / भारत के प्रमुख नदियों के बारे में हिंदी में

 ✅ प्रमुख नदियां एवं उनकी सहायक नदियां ❀【गंगा】 1. गोमती 2. घाघरा 3. गंडक 4. कोसी 5. यमुना 6. सोन 7. रामगन्गा ❀【यमुना】 1. चंबल 2. सिंध 3. बेतवा 4. केन 5. टोंस 6. हिन्डन ❀【गोदावरी】 1. इंद्रावती 2. मंजिरा 3. बिन्दुसार 4. सरबरी 5. पेनगंगा 6.प्राणहिता ❀【कृष्णा】 1. तुंगभद्रा 2. घटप्रभा 3. मालाप्रभा 4. भीम 5. वेदावती 6. कोयना ❀【कावेरी】 1. काबिनी 2. हेमावती 3.सिम्शा 4. अर्कावती 5. भवानी ❀【नर्मदा】 1. अमरावती 2. भुखी 3. तवा 4. बंगेर ❀【सिंधु】 1. सतलुज 2. द्रास 3. जांस्कर 4. श्योक 5.गिल्गिट 6. सुरु ❀【ब्रह्मपुत्र】 1. दिबांग 2. लोहित 3. जिया भोरेली (कामेंग) 4. दिखौव 5. सुबानसिरी मानस ❀【दामोदर】 1. बराकर 2. कोनार ❀【रवि】 1. बुधिल 2. नई या धोना 3. सिउल 4. ऊझ ❀【महानंदी】 1. सिवनाथ 2. हसदेव 3. जोंक 4. मंड 5. इब 6. ओंग 7. तेल ❀【चम्बल】 1. बानस 2. कालि सिंध 3. शीप्रा 4. पार्बती 5. मेज भारत की प्रमुख नदियाँ दो मुख्य वर्गों में विभाजित की जा सकती हैं। पहला हिमालयी अपवाह तंत्र है जिसमें नदियों का उद्गम स्थल सुदूर हिमालय की चोटियों में स्थित होता है। इसमें गंगा, यमुना, ब्रह्मपुत्र, सुतलुज, कालीनाडी, गोमती, रा...

Root,Root System,Aerating Roots: Pneumatophores,Root Modifications,For Special Functions

 Root Morphology of Flowering Plants • Morphology is the name given to the science that deals with the study of the form and structure of things. No matter which plant you take, the morphology of a flowering plant includes the roots, stem, leaves, flowers, and fruits. Flowering Plants • Flowering plants are the most diverse group of land plants with 300,000 known species. • These are also known as angiosperms and produce seed-bearing fruits. •  It is believed that the flowering plant evolved from gymnosperms during the Triassic period and the first flowering plant emerged 140 million years ago. • Flowers are the reproductive organs of the flowering plants and the most important feature that distinguishes them from other seed plants. • The flowering plants reproduce by the process of pollination. In this, the pollen grains transfer from the anther of the male flowers to the stigma of the female flower where fertilization occurs and seed is formed. • A plant has two systems: R...


 MENDEL’S LAWS OF INHERITANCE AND EXCEPTIONS TO THE LAWS  History :- The assertion that life can instantaneously arise from non living matter is called spontaneous generation. Here are the critical experiments that busted the myth. Although today we understand that living things arise from other living things, the idea of spontaneous generation was entrenched in the minds of man throughout most of history. Spontaneous generation is the belief that, on a daily basis, living things arise from non living material. This debunked belief is not the same as abiogenesis, the study of how life on earth could have arisen from inanimate matter billions of years ago.  Aristotle and Spontaneous Generation (383-322)  Aristotle was one of the first to record his conclusions on the possible routes to life. He saw beings as arising in one of three ways, from sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction or nonliving matter. According to Aristotle, it was readily observable that aphids ar...

💠Important Basic Formula💠 physics

 💠Important Basic Formula💠 1. Work = force × distance कार्य = बल × दूरी 2. Energy = force × distance ऊर्जा = बल × दूरी 3. Speed = distance / time गति = दूरी / समय 4. Velocity= displacement / time वेग = विस्थापन / समय 5. Electric field = electrical force/charge विद्युत क्षेत्र= वैद्युत बल/आवेश 6. Force = force/area प्रतिबल=बल/क्षेत्रफल 7. Volume = length × width × height आयतन = लंबाई × चौड़ाई × ऊंचाई 8. Mass density = mass/volume द्रव्यमान घनत्व =द्रव्यमान/आयतन 9. Acceleration =velocity / time त्वरण = वेग / समय 10. Power = work / time शक्ति = कार्य / समय 11. Pressure = force / area दाब =बल/क्षेत्रफल 11. Momentum = mass × velocity संवेग = द्रव्यमान × वेग 13. Area (A) = Length × Width क्षेत्रफल ( A ) = लम्बाई × चौड़ाई 14. Force (F) = Mass × Acceleration बल ( F ) = द्रव्यमान × त्वरण 15. Pressure Energy = Pressure × Volume दाब ऊर्जा = दाब × आयतन 16. Impulse = force × time आवेग = बल × समय 17. Linear momentum = mass × velocity रैखिक संवेग = द्रव्यमान × वेग 18. Kinetic energy = 1/2 mv² ग...

🌿प्रमुख फसलों के वैज्ञानिक नाम 🍁

 🌿प्रमुख वैज्ञानिक नाम 🍁 ♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️♻️ ➭ गेहूँ - टिटिकम एस्टाइवम ➭ चावल - ओराइजा सेटाइवा ➭ मक्का - जीआ मेज ➭ बाजरा - पेनिसिटम टाइफाइडिस ➭ चना - साइसर ऐराइटिनम ➭ अरहर - केजेनस केजन ➭ मटर - पाइसम सेटाइवम ➭ मूँगफली - ऐरेकिस हाइपोजिया ➭ सोयाबीन - ग्लाईसिन मैक्स ➭ कॉफी - काफिया अरेबिका ➭ चाय - कामेलिया साइनेन्सि  ♻️ सब्जियाँ ➛ जड़ों से प्राप्त :- ➭ गाजर - डाकस करौटा ➭ शलजम - ब्रेसिका रापा ➭ मूली - रेफेनस सेटाइवम ➭ शकरकन्द - आइपोमिया बटाटास ➛ स्तम्भ से प्राप्त :- ➭ आलू - सोलेनम ट्यूबरोसम ➭ अरबी - कोलोकेसिया एस्कुलेंटा ➛ पर्ण से प्राप्त :- ➭ पालक - स्पाइनेसिया ओलेरेसिया ➭ मेथी - टाइगोनेला फोइनमग्रिकम ➭ बथुआ - चिनोपोडियम एल्बम ➛ पुष्पक्रम से प्राप्त :- ➭ फूल गोभी - ब्रैसिका ओलेसरेसिया किस्म बोटाइटिस ➛ फल से प्राप्त :- ➭ टमाटर - लाइपर्सिकोन एस्कुलेन्टम ➭ बैंगन - सोलेनम मेलोन्जिना ➭ भिण्डी - एबलमास्क्स एस्कुलेंट्स ➭ ग्वारफली - साइमोप्सिस टेटागोलोनोबा ♻️ फल :- ➭ आम - मैंजीफेरा इण्डिका ➭ केला - म्युजा पेराडिसियेका ➭ संतरा - सिटस रेटिकुलेटा ➭ अमरूद - सीडियम गुआजावा ➭ पपीता...

Computer Software,Internet and Intranet

  Computer Software Set of Computer programs ,procedures, and associated documents ( flowcharts, manuals, etc) describing the programs and how they are to be used. Types of Software • System Software • Application Software System Software : Set of one or more programs that control operation and extends the processing capability of a computer system. It performs the following functions : 1. Supports development of other application software. 2. Supports execution of other application software. 3. Monitors effective use of various hardware resources such as CPU, memory, peripherals, etc. 4. Communicates with and controls operation of peripheral devices such as printer, disk, tape, etc. Types of System software Operating systems : Acts as an interface between user and the hardware. Eg. Windows, Ubuntu etc. Programming language translators : Transform the instructions prepared by programmers in programming language to a form that can be interpreted and executed by the computer system i...

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